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GCN Circular 8542

GRB 081121: Magellan Redshift
2008-11-22T05:21:25Z (16 years ago)
Edo Berger at Harvard <>
E. Berger (Harvard) and M. Rauch (Carnegie) report:

"We obtained spectroscopic observations of the optical afterglow of GRB
081121 (GCNs 8536,8537) with the LDSS3 spectrograph on the Magellan/Clay
6.5-m telescope starting on 2008 Nov 22.16 UT.  The spectra cover the
wavelength range 3800-6500A.  We detect Ly-alpha absorption, as well as
aborption features corresponding to SiII, CII, SiIV, CIV, FeII, and AlII
at a redshift of z=2.512, which we consider the redshift of the burst.
Further analysis is in progress."
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