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GCN Circular 8569

GRB081126: Afterglow photometry from Crni Vrh
2008-11-28T00:08:26Z (16 years ago)
Herman Mikuz at OCV <>
J. Skvarc and H. Mikuz on behalf of PIKA observing program at Crni Vrh

We confirm variability of the source identified by Sergeev and Pozanenko
(GCN Circ. 8558).  The object was observed from Crni Vrh Observatory with
a 60 cm telescope using R filter and a CCD in about 5 arc-second seeing
conditions.  First 60 s exposure started at 2008-11-26 21:35:32 UT.  All
twenty exposures were of 60 s.  The table contains the time since the
Swift GRB detection to the middle of exposure in seconds, R magnitude and
formal 1-sigma magnitude error estimate.

Time     Mag     Err.
 [s]        [R]    [1-sigma]
 112.1  17.02  0.02
 182.9  16.75  0.02
 253.9  16.81  0.02
 325.7  16.85  0.02
 396.5  16.93  0.02
 468.0  17.03  0.02
 538.8  17.07  0.02
 609.6  17.25  0.02
 680.4  17.25  0.02
 751.1  17.78  0.03
 821.5  17.64  0.03
 892.5  17.44  0.03
 963.3  17.79  0.03
1034.3  17.79  0.03
1105.1  17.65  0.03
1176.8  17.76  0.03
1247.6  17.77  0.03
1318.5  17.71  0.03
1389.3  17.77  0.03
1460.0  18.50  0.05
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