GCN Circular 8602
GRB 081203B: Naming correction for burst detected in Swift-BAT slew data
2008-12-03T21:38:46Z (16 years ago)
Antonio Copete at Harvard U <acopete@head.cfa.harvard.edu>
A. Copete, J. Grindlay (Harvard)
S. Barthelmy, C. Markwardt, N. Gehrels, J. Cummings (NASA/GSFC), D.
Palmer (LANL)
We hereby correct the naming of the burst first reported by Copete et
al (GCN 8600), which is unrelated to GRB 081203A (GCNs 8595, 8596,
8598, 8599 and 8601). Following the standard naming convention for
same-day bursts to take into account the order of announcement, this
burst must rather be named GRB 081203B. This name should be used in
all follow-up circulars referring to this burst.