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GCN Circular 8604

GRB 081203A: optical observations
2008-12-03T23:08:16Z (16 years ago)
Igor Volkov at Asro.Inst.Slovak Acad.Sciences <>
On 2008 December 03 I have monitored the field of GRB 081203A detected by
SWIFT (Parsons, et al., GCN Circ. 8595) with the 0.5m reflector and
ST-10XME CCD camera of Stara Lesna (Slovak Republic) observatory. My
frames confirm the presence of the afterglow close to coordinates (J2000)
RA = 15h 32m 07.6s, Dec = +63d 31m 14.9s (M. De Pasquale and A. Parsons,
GCN Circ. 8603 ). Observations continued from UT 15:24:45 to UT 16:58:45
in Rc photometric system. The object faided from Rc=15.74+/-0.04 to
Rc=17.20+/-0.06 during this time interval. Several BVIc measurements were
also obtained. GSC 4184 1309 served as a comparison star. The reduction of
the data is in progress and will be available on request.
This study was supported by the SAI scholarship.

Igor Volkov, Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 059
60 Tatranska Lomnica, Slovak Republic; e-mail:
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