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GCN Circular 8731

GRB 081226: GROND afterglow candidate
2008-12-26T03:08:29Z (16 years ago)
Paulo M. J. Afonso at MPE <>
GRB 081226: GROND afterglow candidate 

P. Afonso, T. Kruehler (both MPE Garching), S. Klose (TLS Tautenburg), and 
J. Greiner (MPE Garching) report on behalf of the GROND team: 

GROND (Greiner et al. 2008, PASP 120, 405), mounted at the 2.2m ESO/MPI 
telescope at La Silla Observatory (Chile),started observations of the field 
of GRB 081226 (Godet et al. 2008, GCN #8729) in g'r'i'z'JHK at 01:14 UTC, 11 
min after the burst. We detect a faint optical source in the XRT error 
circle (Godet et al. 2008, GCN #8729) at: 

RA(J2000): 08:01:59.92
DEC(J2000): -69:01:47.4 

with uncertainties of 0.5". 

At a midtime of 01:57 UTC, we measure a rough preliminary r' band magnitude 
of 24.3 calibrated with the GROND zeropoint. 

No statement about variability can be made at this point. Observations are 
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