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GCN Circular 892

GRB001120: Optical observations
2000-11-24T06:59:44Z (24 years ago)
Paul Price at RSAA, ANU <>
P. A. Price, J. Meltzer, B. Stalder, S. G. Djorgovski, and T. J. Galama, on
behalf of a large collaboration, report:

"We have observed the error box of GRB 001120 with 3x900s pointings in gunn-r
on the Palomar 60-inch telescope at 2000 Nov 22.12 and Nov 24.12.  Our images
cover the entire error box, with approximate limiting magnitude R ~ 22.5
(based on the USNO catalogue) at both epochs.  We do not find any optical
transient candidate within the error box on comparison with the DPOSS, or
from subtraction of the two epochs."

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