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GCN Circular 8976

GRB 090205: Zadko Telescope late-time observations
2009-03-11T03:45:11Z (16 years ago)
David Coward at U of Western Aus. <>
SUBJECT: GRB 090205: Zadko Telescope late-time observations
From: D.M. Coward at UWA

T.P. Vaalsta reports on behalf of the UWA Zadko Telescope Team:

D.M. Coward, T.P. Vaalsta, J. Zadko, A. Imerito, D. Blair, P. Luckas,  
S. Gordon, K. Frost, A. Fletcher (U. of Western Australia)
M. Todd, M. Zadnik (Curtin University)
M. Boer, A. Klotz (TAROT)

The Zadko Telescope team observed the field of GRB 090205
following the report by N. Gehrels and M. Perri (GCN 8525, 09/02/06  
14:46:05 GMT). Observations started at 09/02/06 16:38:29 GMT using an  
iKon DW436BV CAMERA without filters mounted on the F/4 1.0m Zadko  
Telescope about 17.6 hours after the initial burst trigger (GCN 8884).
The GRB field was imaged for a total of 4460s until dawn. In a 1100s  
stacked image, a candidate OA with 23.2(3) white magnitude was  
observed at the enhanced XRT position (GCN 8885). The OA magnitude  
was estimated differentially using nearby nearby USNO-B1 stars as  

The same field was imaged 2 weeks later and the candidate OA was not  

The UWA Zadko Telescope is currently being commissioned.

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