GCN Circular 9042
GRB 090323: Additional Lick observations
2009-03-28T06:28:09Z (15 years ago)
Daniel Perley at U.C. Berkeley <dperley@astro.berkeley.edu>
D. A. Perley (UC Berkeley) reports:
On the night of 2009-03-27 (UT) I returned to the location of the
afterglow of GRB 090323 (Updike et al., GCN 9026; Cenko et al., GCN
9027) with the Nickel 40-inch telescope at Lick Observatory and acquired
an additional series of 900s R-band exposures between 05:12 and 12:26 UT
totaling 260 minutes of integration time.
While not clearly visible in individual exposures, the afterglow is
detected in stacked frames. Using the calibration star of Kann et al.
(GCN 9033), I measure a magnitude of R = 22.63 +/- 0.18 at an
observation mid-point of t = 4.36 days in a stack of all observations
throughout the night, consistent with the absence of a break in the
light curve reported by Kann et al. (GCN 9041).
I thank Mo Ganeshalingam for the exchange of observing time.