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GCN Circular 9047

GRB 090323: WSRT Radio Detection
2009-03-29T11:01:03Z (16 years ago)
Alexander van der Horst at NASA/MSFC <>
A.J. van der Horst (NASA/MSFC/ORAU) reports on behalf of a large

"We observed the position of the GRB 090323 afterglow at 4.9 GHz with the
Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope at March 27 17.92 UT to March 28
5.91 UT, i.e. 4.74 - 5.24 days after the burst (GCN 8980).
We detect a radio source with a flux density of 105 +/- 24 microJy
at the position of the optical counterpart (GCN 9021).

We would like to thank the WSRT staff for scheduling and obtaining these
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