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GCN Circular 912

2001-01-10T18:47:06Z (24 years ago)
Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL <>
K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team,
T. Cline, on behalf of the Konus-Wind and NEAR GRB teams,
and E. Mazets, and S. Golenetskii, on behalf of the KONUS-WIND 
and KONUS-A GRB teams, report:

Ulysses, NEAR, KONUS-A and KONUS-WIND observed this GRB at 09485 seconds.
As observed by Ulysses and KONUS-A, it had a duration of approximately   8.
seconds, a 25-100 keV fluence of approximately  1.4E-05 erg/cm2,
and a peak flux of approximately  3.5E-06 erg/cm2 s over 0.25 seconds.
Emission was observed up to 5 MeV.

We have triangulated it to two alternate, preliminary, 3 sigma error boxes each with approximate area 410. sq. arcmin. whose coordinates are:

 ERROR BOX CENTER:  22 h  5 m 29.37 s    -50 o 31 '  55.57 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 1: 22 h  6 m 49.37 s    -50 o 31 '  49.45 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 2: 22 h 10 m 57.99 s    -50 o 41 '  32.36 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 3: 21 h 56 m 52.46 s    -50 o 16 '  26.78 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 4: 22 h  4 m  2.91 s    -50 o 31 '  49.57 " 

 ERROR BOX CENTER:  21 h 33 m  3.22 s    -49 o 31 '  30.75 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 1: 21 h 31 m 50.78 s    -49 o 26 '  41.41 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 2: 21 h 27 m 43.53 s    -49 o 21 '   3.49 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 3: 21 h 41 m 31.20 s    -49 o 47 '  49.65 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 4: 21 h 34 m 22.10 s    -49 o 36 '  32.11 " 

There is a chance that the ambiguity can be resolved by further processing.  These error boxes may be improved.
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