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GCN Circular 9156

GRB 090417B: Galaxy redshift
2009-04-18T17:49:52Z (16 years ago)
Edo Berger at Harvard <>
E. Berger (Harvard) and D.B. Fox (PSU) report:

"We obtained spectroscopic observations of the SDSS galaxy located inside
the XRT error circle of GRB 090417B (GCNs 9153, 9155, 9140) with GMOS on
the Gemini-North telescope.  In a combined 1800 sec spectrum we detect
emission lines corresponding to [OII]3727, [OIII]5006, and H-alpha at a
redshift of z=0.345.  At this redshift the observed fluence of the burst
(2.3e-6 erg/cm^2; GCN 9139) translates to an isotropic-equivalent energy
of 9e50 erg."
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