GCN Circular 9200
GRB 090423: Faulkes Telescope South observations
2009-04-23T09:42:02Z (16 years ago)
Andrea Melandri at Liverpool John Moores U <axm@astro.livjm.ac.uk>
A. Melandri (Liverpool JMU), C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), C.G. Mundell,
D. Bersier (Liverpool JMU), P. O'Brien, N. Tanvir (U. Leicester) on
behalf of a large collaboration report:
On 2009 April 23 at 07:57:07 UT we observed the Swift-BAT GRB 090423
(Krimm et al., GCN Circ. 9198) with the 2-m Faulkes Telescope South.
Observations started 108 seconds after the BAT trigger time and were
performed using the B, R and i' filters. We could not find any
uncatalogued object inside the XRT error circle down to the following
limiting magnitudes:
For single frames:
Mid Time Exposure Filter Limit
(min) (s) (mag)
16.05 60 i' > 18.0
21.30 120 r' > 20.0
24.29 120 i' > 19.0
For coadded frames:
Time Range Exposure Filter Limit
(min) (s) (mag)
13.58-53.82 660 r' > 20.8
15.55-45.95 420 i' > 20.5
Calibration was performed using few SDSS nearby stars on both filters.