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GCN Circular 9340

GRB 090510: correction to coordinates in GCN 9338
2009-05-10T14:32:45Z (16 years ago)
Daniele Malesani at Dark Cosmology Centre, Niels Bohr Inst <>
D. Malesani (DARK/NBI) reports:

The coordinates of the afterglow reported in GCN 9338 (Olofsson et al.) 
are wrong. The correct ones (referenced to USNO-B1 stars, 0.3" error) are:

RA(J2000) = 22:14:12.56
Dec(J2000) = -26:34:59.0

These coordinates are 0.7" away from the UVOT position (Marshall & 
Hoversten, GCN 9332) and indeed consistent within their quoted error. 
The object identified in the finding chart posted at

is correctly the afterglow.

I thank Frank Marshall for pointing out the mistake, and regret for any 
confusion that this may have created. No blame should go to the other 
co-authors of GCN 9338.
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