GCN Circular 9361
GRB 090515: WIYN NIR Upper Limit
2009-05-15T08:47:58Z (16 years ago)
Adria C. Updike at Clemson U <aupdike@clemson.edu>
Adria C. Updike, Ginger Bryngelson (Clemson University) and Peter A. Milne
(Steward Observatory) report:
We observed the field of GRB 090515 (GCN 9356, Beardmore et al.) with the
3.5m WIYN telescope and the NIR imager WHIRC located at Kitt Peak National
Observatory beginning 1 hour after the trigger. Observations consisted
of J-band exposures at high airmass. In a stacked image consisting of 20
x 2min J-band exposures (T_0 = 1.4 hours after trigger), we detect no new
objects down to a limiting magnitude of J > 19.0 mag (upon comparison to
the 2MASS catalog). No further observations are planned.