GCN Circular 9463
GRB 090531B: Swift-XRT candidate afterglow position
2009-05-31T20:27:50Z (15 years ago)
Boris Sbarufatti at INAF-IASF-Pa <sbarufatti@ifc.inaf.it>
B. Sbarufatti, V. Mangano (INAF-IASFPA) and
J. R. Cummings (NASA/UMBC) report on behalf of the
Swift-XRT team
The XRT began observing the field of GRB 090531B
(trigger 353728, Cummins, et al., GCN Circ 9461) at
19:26:22 UT, 3026 seconds after the BAT trigger, as
soon as the burst went outside the Earth limb observing
Using promptly downlinked data we find an X-ray
source with an enhanced position: RA,Dec = 252.0748, -36.0350
(degrees) which is equivalent to:
RA (J2000.0) = 16 48 17.95
DEC (J2000.0) = -36 02 06.0
with an uncertainty of 3.4 arcsec (radius, 90% containment).
This location is 47.8 arcseconds from the BAT onboard position, inside
the BAT
error circle.
This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.
[GCN OPS NOTE(03sep09): Per operator's desire, the Subject line
was corrected from "090831B" to "090531B". F.Marshall and H.Krimm noticed this.]