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GCN Circular 947

GRB010213, Radio Observations
2001-02-19T01:13:23Z (24 years ago)
Dale A. Frail at NRAO <>
D. A. Frail (NRAO) and E. Berger (Caltech) report on behalf of a
larger collaboration:

"On February 18.24 UT we conducted a second observation of the central
region of the HETE II error circle of GRB010213 (GCN#934) with the VLA
at 1.43 GHz. The weak radio source reported in GCN#945 is still
present at approximately the same flux level (~1 mJy) as measured on
February 15.42 UT. Furthermore, there is a weak (6-sigma) source
present at this position in 1.4 GHz images taken as part of the FIRST
survey ( We no longer consider this
radio source to be a viable afterglow candidate."

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