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GCN Circular 9586

GRB 090628: Swift XRT position
2009-06-28T23:04:34Z (16 years ago)
Vanessa Mangano at INAF-IASFPA <>
B. Sbarufatti, V. Mangano (INAF-IASF PA)
report on behalf the Swift XRT team:

Analysis of preliminary data from the BAT trigger 355942 (GRB090628, 
Mangano, et al., GCN Circ 9585)
reveals an uncatalogued point source at RA, Dec = 237.05355, -15.98577 
which is equivalent to:

RA(J2000) = 15h48m12.85s
Dec(J2000) = -15:59:08.79

with an estimated uncertainty of 6.5 arcseconds radius (90% confidence).
Analysis is ongoing and an improved analysis will be reported as soon as
more data will be available.

This is an official product of the Swift XRT team.
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