GCN Circular 9683
GRB 090715A: VLA observations
2009-07-17T03:04:11Z (16 years ago)
Edo Berger at Harvard <eberger@cfa.harvard.edu>
E. Berger and W.-f. Fong (Harvard) report:
"We observed the field centered on the BAT error circle of the short GRB
090715A (GCNs #9666,9680) with the VLA at a frequency of 8.46 GHz
starting on 2009 July 16.98 UT (30.1 hours post burst). We detect a
single bright source within the BAT error circle which is cataloged in
the VLA FIRST survey and is moreover extended. No other sources are
detected within the BAT error circle above a 4-sigma level of 85
microJy. In addition, we do not detect any point source in coincidence
with the nearby galaxy NGC3130."