GCN Circular 9846
GRB 090827 Burst discovered in BAT ground analysis
2009-08-28T20:39:11Z (16 years ago)
Jay R. Cummings at NASA/GSFC/Swift <jayc@milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov>
J. R. Cummings (GSFC/UMBC), H. A. Krimm (GSFC/USRA),
C. B. Markwardt (GSFC/UMD), and D. M. Palmer (LANL),
on behalf of the Swift-BAT team
At 19:06:26 on 2009-08-27, GRB 090827 triggered Swift-BAT
(trigger #361029). No source was found onboard. A source
was found in ground analysis of BAT event data. The burst
consisted of a single pulse of 7 seconds. This burst also
triggered Konus-Wind and INTEGRAL-SPI-ACS (V. Pal'shin,
private communication).
The BAT position is RA, Dec 18.435, -50.899, which is
equivalent to:
RA, Dec (J2000): 01:13:44.4, -50d 53' 58"
with an uncertainty radius of 2.8 arcmin (estimated 90%
containment, stat+sys). The source was 3% coded.
Because of the extreme partial coding, the spectral parameters
can be defined only poorly. The spectrum is best fit by a
simple powerlaw relation. The photon index is 1.0 +/- 0.3.
The fluence was (4 +/- 2) x 10^-6 ergs/cm2. The errors are
estimated 1-sigma.
A Swift TOO has been requested and will take place
starting approximately 26 hours after the burst.