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GCN Circular 998

GRB010222: Optical observation and decay
2001-03-01T09:21:10Z (24 years ago)
Christian Veillet at CFHT <>
The optical counterpart of GRB010222 has been observed using the
CFHT Multi Object Spectrograph in imaging mode at the Cassegrain
focus of the 3.6-m CFH Telescope on the night of Feb. 27 to 28.

One image was obtained in relatively poor conditions (seeing ~ 1.5").
A preliminary reduction using stars (223.008250,43.006507) and
(223.098277,42.994077) from Henden's list (GCN #987) gives:

Feb. 28.653 UTC   R = 22.60 +/- 0.15

The relative photometry of the two stars used is consistent 
with our image within 0.02 magnitudes. Using all the measurements
of the R magnitude of the OT published in the GCN's (corrected if 
needed to put them back in the photometric system of Henden's list),
the R magnitude is following a nice power law decay with an index of
1.20 +/- 0.07 since 0.6 days after the burst.

An image of the OT and a graph of the decay are available at

S. Lilly and J. McDonald are acknowledged for their help in
this observation.

This message may be cited.
Dr. Christian Veillet,       CFHT Senior Resident Astronomer
Phone: (808) 885-3161
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