GCN Circulars
GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
- GRB 060124: XRT position
- GRB 060124: Optical Afterglow Candidate from Tautenburg
- GRB060124, optical observation
- GRB 050124 : Kiso Optical limit
- GRB 060124: Optical Observations at Tautenburg
- GRB 060117: Suzaku WAM observation of the prompt emission
- GRB060124:MASTER optical observation
- GRB 060111B: Suzaku WAM observation of the prompt emission
- GRB 060124: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
- GRB 060116: Radio Detection
- GRB 060116: MARGE optical observations
- GRB 060121: Swift/UVOT upper limits
- GRB 060121: Liverpool Telescopes optical limits
- GRB 060121: Swift XRT refined analysis
- Konus-Wind observation of GRB 060121
- GRB 060121: I-band Limits
- GRB 060121: Confirmation of Afterglow
- GRB 060121: candidate optical counterpart
- GRB 060121: Swift XRT refined position
- GRB060121: SARA Observations
- GRB 060121: optical observations
- GRB 060121: Infrared Observations
- GRB 060121: optical observations
- GRB 060121: Optical imaging
- GRB060121 - SDSS pre-burst observations
- GRB 060121: A short-hard GRB in a cluster?
- GRB 060121 (=H4010): Results of preliminary spectral analysis
- GRB 060121: A bright short/hard GRB localized by HETE-2 SXC
- GRB 060121: A bright short/hard GRB localized by HETE-2 WXM
- HETE Alert 4006: MASTER promt optical limit
- GRB 060117: PROMPT Observations
- GRB060117 - ATCA 3/6cm radio limits - correction
- GRB060117 - ATCA 3/6cm radio limits
- GRB 060116: photometric redshift - the farthest GRB?
- GRB 060117: pseudo-z from spectral parameters of the prompt emission
- Correction to GCN 4542 on GRB 060117
- Konus-Wind observation of GRB 060117
- GRB 060116: possible I-J dropout
- GRB 060116: UKIRT IR Observations
- GRB060108: photometric redshift determination
- GRB 060117: Refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
- GRB 060116: PROMPT Observations
- GRB 060117: FRAM refined analysis
- GRB 060117: FRAM optical afterglow candidate
- GRB 060117: nearby galaxy
- GRB 060117: Swift-BAT detection of a bright burst
- GRB 060116: VLT optical observations
- GRB 060116: Refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
- GRB 060115: PROMPT Observations
- GRB 060116: XRT refined analysis
- GRB 060116: IR Candidate Afterglow
- GRB 060116: Swift/UVOT upper limits
- GRB060115: REM observations
- GRB 060110: XRT position and analysis
- GRB 060116 : Lulin optical limit
- GRB 060116: ROTSE-III Optical Limits
- GRB060116: XRT position
- GRB060116: Faulkes North observation
- GRB 060115: absorption redshift
- GRB 060116: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
- GRB 060115: Refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
- GRB 060115: OT photometry with MITSuME
- GRB 060115: Swift/UVOT upper limits
- GRB 060114: REM observations
- GRB 060115: Swift XRT refined analysis
- GRB 060115: OT finding chart
- GRB 060114: Swift/UVOT Observations
- GRB060115, optical observation
- GRB 060115: MITSuME optical afterglow candidate
- GRB 060115: Swift detection of a burst
- GRB 060114: Swift XRT upper limit
- GRB060114, optical observation
- GRB 060114: refined position
- GRB 060114: A long GRB detected by INTEGRAL
- GRB060114: Faulkes North observation
- GRB 060108: IR observations of afterglow
- GRB060108: Faulkes North afterglow evidence
- GRB 060108: further analysis of VLT images
- GRB 060108: Evidence for an XRT Position Offset
- GRB 060110: KAIT observations
- GRB 060111B: Swift XRT refined analysis
- GRB 060111A: refined UVOT anaysis
- GRB 060111B: MITSuME detection of optical afterglow
- GRB 060111B: TAROT optical observation
- GRB060111A: RTT150 optical observations
- GRB060111B: RTT150, possible host galaxy
- GRB 060111B: Refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
- GRB 060110: MARGE observations
- GRB 060111(a): P60 Observations
- GRB 060111B: Gualba observatory limit
- GRB 060111B: ROTSE-III Detection of Optical Counterpart Flare
- GRB 060111B: Swift detection of a burst
- GRB 060111: Swift-BAT Refined Analysis
- GRB060111.2:_MASTER optical limit
- GRB 060108: VLT K-band observations
- GRB 060111: TAROT optical observation
- GRB 060111: possible UVOT counterpart
- GRB060111 : XRT refined analysis
- GRB 060111: ROTSE-III Optical Limits
- GRB 060111: Swift detection of a burst