GCN Circulars
GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
- GRB030226 (=U10893): A Long GRB Localized by the HETE WXM and SXC
- GRB 030226 simultaneous optical observations
- Two absorption systems in GRB 030226
- GRB 030226, optical observations
- GRB030226: optical observations and refined redshift
- GRB030226: Optical decay index
- GRB 030226 Optical Spectra and R,I,z' Imaging
- GRB 030226, optical observations
- GRB 030226: Optical afterglow
- GRB030226: Candidate optical afterglow
- GRB 030217: Optical Observations at 4, 5, and 6 Days
- IPN triangulation of GRB030223 (annulus)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030220 (annulus)
- GRB: Non-Referencing of GCN Circulars.
- IPN triangulation of GRB030218 (annulus)
- GRB030217: optical observations
- IPN triangulation of GRB030217 (small error box)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030215C (annulus)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030217 (annulus)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030216 (annulus)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030215A and GRB030215B (annuli)
- GRB030115, WSRT radio observations - correction to GCN 1864
- GRB 030131: marginal optical detection
- GCN/INTEGRAL Mistake Fixed
- GRB030115, WSRT radio observations
- IPN triangulation of GRB030206 (annulus)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030208 (annulus)
- GRB 030204: Optical Observations
- GRB030204 field photometry
- GRB020819: Kiso R and I band observations
- GRB 030204: Correction to GCN 1856
- GRB030131: Candidate Optical Afterglow
- GRB 030115: Optical Observations
- GRB 030204, optical observations
- IPN triangulation of GRB030204 (small error box)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030202 (annulus)
- GRB 030131, optical observations
- GRB030131: Kiso optical limit for corrected position
- GRB030131: Optical limits for corrected position
- GRB 030131: afterglow candidate
- GRB 030115, late-time optical observations
- GRB030131: corrected INTEGRAL position
- Type Ic SN2003L (SN/GRB?), optical spectrum
- GRB030131: Kiso Observations
- GRB 020819: Host galaxy at Radio Position
- IPN triangulation of GRB030131 - CORRECTION
- GRB 020819: afterglow candidate
- IPN triangulation of GRB030131
- GRB030131: Optical limit
- GRB 030131 optical observations
- GRB030131: refined position
- GRB 030131 optical observations
- A long GRB detected by INTEGRAL
- GRB030115: 1.2 mm upper limits with MAMBO @ IRAM 30m
- Type Ic SN2003L (SN/GRB?) Radio Observations
- IPN triangulation of GRB030127 (annulus)
- GRB030115 submm upper limit
- IPN triangulation of GRB030119 (two large error boxes)
- GRB 030115: Further IR observations with IRSF/SIRIUS
- IPN triangulation of GRB030117 (two large error boxes)
- Publicizing GRB Discoveries - A Message from NASA HQ
- GRB 030115: Radio detection of IR candidate
- GRB 030115, simultaneous observations by BOOTES-1
- GRB 030115: IR observations with IRSF/SIRIUS
- IPN triangulation of GRB030115C (large error box)
- GRB030115: R-band counterpart of IR candidate
- GRB030115, afterglow candidate
- GRB 021211: R-band observations at late-time
- GRB030115: Optical Observations, Swiss Telescope at La Silla (ESO, Chile)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030115B (small error box)
- GRB 030115 : Possible IR counterpart
- GRB 030115: Radio Observations
- GRB030115 (=H2533): A Long GRB Localized by the HETE WXM and SXC
- Distribution of INTEGRAL SPI-ACS triggers for GRB bursts
- IPN triangulation of GRB030115B (annulus)
- Distribution of INTEGRAL SPI-ACS triggers
- GRB030115: R-band observations at Asiago
- GRB030115: TAROT optical observations
- GRB 021211: VLT spectrum
- GRB 030115: APO Optical Observations
- GRB 030115, no optical candidate
- GRB 030115, optical observations
- GRB 030115, optical candidate
- Possible GRB030113 seen by SPI ACS
- Probable GRB030112B seen by SPI ACS
- Probable GRB030112 seen by SPI ACS
- Information about where HETE will be pointing
- Possible GRB030111 seen by SPI ACS
- Possible GRB030110b seen by SPI ACS
- Possible GRB 030110 seen by SPI ACS
- IPN triangulation of GRB030109 (annulus)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030105 (large error box)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030102B (refined localization - portion of annulus)
- Possible GRB 20030109 seen by SPI ACS
- IPN triangulation of GRB030102A - correction to peak flux
- IPN triangulation of GRB030102B (portion of annulus)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030102A (large error box)
- Coronas-F -Wind triangulation of GRB030102
- Possible GRB20030107 seen by SPI-ACS