GCN Circulars
GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
18036 results found.
- GRB 080319B: Swift detection of an intense burst with a bright optical counterpart
- GRB 080319A: Swift detection of a burst
- Swift Trigger 306745 is not a GRB
- Swift Trigger 306616 is not a GRB
- Swift/UVOT observations of GRB 080315
- Swift trigger 306323: Swift-BAT/XRT refined analysis
- SAX J1818.6-1703: Swift detection (trigger 306379)
- GRB 080315: TAROT Calern observatory optical observations
- GRB 080315: Swift detection of a possible burst
- GRB 080310: ROTSE-III Observations of Optical Counterpart
- GRB 080310, Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 080310: Swift-XRT refined analysis
- GRB 080310: Swift/UVOT Refined Analysis
- GRB 080310 - SDSS Pre-Burst Observations
- GRB 080310: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 080310: VLT/UVES spectroscopy
- GRB080310: Super-LOTIS suggestion of brightening
- GRB 080310: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
- GRB080229, optical upper limit (Correction)
- GRB080307, optical upper limit
- GRB080229, optical upper limit
- GRB 080307: Swift-XRT Team refined analysis
- GRB 080307: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
- GRB 080307: Early RAPTOR Limits
- GRB 080307, Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB080307 - SDSS Pre-Burst Observations
- GRB 080307: retraction of UVOT candidate
- GRB 080307: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 080307, Preliminary Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 080307: Swift detection of a burst
- VLA possible radio detection of GRB 080229
- GRB 080303: Swift/UVOT follow-up of afterglow detection
- GRB 080303, Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB080303: Swift XRT refined analysis
- GRB 080303: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- Swift UVOT observations of GRB080229B
- GRB080229B: Swift XRT afterglow observation
- GRB 080303A: Faulkes Telescope South optical afterglow observations
- GRB 080303: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
- GRB 080303A: ROTSE-III Optical Limits
- GRB 080229: I-band observations from OSN
- GRB080229: Swift XRT refined analysis
- GRB 080229: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- UVOT analysis for GRB080229
- GRB 080229, Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 080229: Faulkes Telescope South optical limit
- GRB 080229A: ROTSE-III Optical Limits
- GRB 080229: Swift detection of a bright burst
- Swift-XRT improved positions, and new redshift limits.
- ESO optical and NIR observations of GRB 080218B
- GRB 080204: Suzaku WAM observation of the prompt emission
- GRB 080218B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 080218B: Swift-XRT refined analysis
- Swift/UVOT observations of GRB080218B
- GRB 080218B: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 080218B: GROND upper limits
- GRB 080218A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB080218B: Watcher prompt limit
- GRB 080218B: Swift detection of a burst
- GRB 080218: Swift detection of a burst
- Swift-XRT and UVOT observations of the IPN burst GRB 080211
- VLA radio upper limit on GRB 080212
- Swift/UVOT refined analysis of GRB080212
- GRB 080212, Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 080212: GROND detects afterglow
- GRB 080212: optical observations
- GRB 080212: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 080212: Swift-XRT Team refined analysis
- GRB 080210: Keck photometry
- VLA non-detection of GRB 080210
- GRB 080212: Swift detection of a burst
- GRB 080210: Swift/UVOT Refined Analysis
- GRB 080210, Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 080210: Super-LOTIS observations
- GRB 080210: Swift-XRT Refined Analysis
- GRB 080210: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 080210: GOND detection in all bands and redshift upper limit
- GRB080210 - SDSS Pre-Burst Observations
- GRB 080210: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
- GRB 080210: TAROT La Silla observatory optical detection
- GRB 080207: GROND upper limits
- GRB 080207, Swift-BAT refined analysis
- Swift detection of AX J1749.1-2639
- GRB 080207, Swift-BAT refined analysis
- Swift Trigger 302777 is not a GRB
- GRB080207: Swift/UVOT refined analysis
- GRB 080207: TAROT Calern observatory optical observations
- GRB 080207: Swift-XRT Refined Analysis
- GRB 080207: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 080207: Swift detection of a burst
- GRB 080205 optical upper limit
- VLA radio upper limit on GRB 080205
- GRB 080205, Swift-BAT refined analysis
- IPN localization of very hard GRB 080204
- GRB 080205: Swift XRT refined analysis
- GRB 080205: OA evolution from KAIT observations
- GRB 080205: Swift/UVOT observations
- GRB 080205: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 080205: KAIT OA detection
- GRB 080205: Swift detection of a burst