GCN Circulars
GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
- GRB 240710B: VZLUSAT-2 detection
- GRB 240805A: ATCA Radio Upper Limits
- Fermi trigger No 744761058: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- EP240807a/GRB 240807A: EP-FXT detection of the X-ray emission
- S240807h: Identification of a GW compact binary merger candidate
- EP-WXT trigger 01709018832: KAIT optical observations of the star flare
- EP240802a/GRB240802A: KAIT optical upper limit
- GRB 240720B: VZLUSAT-2 detection
- GRB 240710A: VZLUSAT-2 detection
- EP240806A: Liverpool Telescope optical follow-up observations
- The EP-WXT trigger 01709018832 on August 7th is likely a flaring star
- GRB 240807A: Fermi GBM Final Localization
- EP240807a: EP-WXT detection of a fast X-ray transient
- EP240806a: Gemini North-GMOS spectroscopic redshift of z = 2.818
- GRB 240805B: GIT optical upper limit
- EP240806a: KAIT optical observations
- GRB 240805B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 240805A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
- Fermi trigger No 744629911: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- EP240804a (GRB 240804B): NOT optical observations
- EP240806a: LCOGT optical counterpart detection
- Konus-Wind detection of GRB 240802A (EP240802a)
- Improved IPN triangulation of GRB 240802A / EP 240802a
- Konus-Wind detection of GRB 240805A
- GRB 240805B Bassano Bresciano Observatory upper limit
- GRB240805A: Fermi GBM Observation
- GRB 240805B: JinShan optical afterglow detection
- GRB 240804B/EP240804a: Correction to the GRB name in GCN 37071
- GRB 240805B: AbAO, CrAO, and Terskol optical upper limits
- Konus-Wind detection of GRB 240804B (a counterpart of EP240804a)
- Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor trigger 240806402/744629911 is not a GRB
- EP240806a: EP-FXT detection of the X-ray emission
- GRB 240626B: VZLUSAT-2 detection
- GRB 240624B: VZLUSAT-2 detection
- GRB 240619C: VZLUSAT-2 detection
- EP 240806A: LCO optical observations
- EP240806a: GSP optical counterpart detection
- EP240806a: EP-WXT detection of a fast X-ray transient
- GRB 240805B: Optical detection with 1.6m Mephisto
- EP240804a: BOOTES-6/DPRT optical detection
- GRB 240805B: NUTTelA-TAO / BSTI Optical Limits
- GRB 240805B: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
- Fermi trigger No 744544656: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 240805B: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
- GRB 240805A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
- GRB 240805B: BTA optical afterglow candidate
- GRB 240805A: SVOM/GRM observation
- GRB 240805B: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 240805B: LCOGT Optical Upper Limits
- Swift GRB 240805B: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 240805B: JinShan optical upper limits
- EP240801a: BTA BVRI photometry
- Fermi GRB 240805A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Swift GRB 240805A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor trigger 744558410/240805574 is not a GRB
- GRB 240805A: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
- EP240804a: GSP detects optical candidate counterpart
- GRB 240805B: Swift detection of a burst
- GRB 240805A: Fermi-LAT detection
- GRB 240805A: INTEGRAL spectral analysis
- EP240801a: Continued optical observations at ZTSh (CraO)
- EP240804a: VLT/X-shooter spectroscopic redshift
- EP240804a: LCOGT optical counterpart detection
- GRB 240805A: A long GRB detected by INTEGRAL
- EP-WXT trigger 00109017646 is not a real source
- EP240804a: NOT optical counterpart detection
- EP240804a: EP-WXT detection and EP-FXT follow-up observation of a fast X-ray transient
- EP240802a: correction of EP-WXT trigger time in GCN 37019
- GRB 240805A: Swift detection of a burst
- GRB 240805A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- Fermi GRB 240804A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- EP240802a: Montarrenti Observatory optical upper limit
- GRB 240804A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- Fermi trigger No 744459130: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- IPN triangulation of GRB 240802A / EP 240802a
- Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor trigger 744459130/240804425 is not a GRB
- EP240801a: Osservatorio Astronomico Nastro Verde upper limit
- EP240802A: Bassano Bresciano Observatory upper limit
- GRB 240802A: SVOM/GRM observation
- EP240802a: Time coincidence with GRB 240802A and optical upper limits with Kinder observations
- Fermi trigger No 744278264: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- EP240802a: EP-WXT detection and EP-FXT follow-up observation of a fast X-ray transient
- GRB 240802A: AstroSat CZTI detection of a long burst
- EP240801a: further SAO RAS optical observations
- EP240801a: optical observations at CrAO and AbAO
- EP240801a: GRANDMA and Kilonova-Catcher optical observations
- EP240801a: Leavitt Observatory optical observations
- EP240801a: GTC spectroscopy and absorption redshift
- EP240801a: SAO RAS optical observations
- GRB 240801B: AstroSat CZTI Updated classification - likely a solar flare
- EP240801a: JinShan optical observations
- GRB 240727C: SVOM/GRM observation
- EP240801a: NOT optical observations
- EP240801a: follow-up observation with LCOGT
- Fermi GBM trigger 744179961 / 240801194 can not be confirmed as a GRB
- GRB 240730A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
- EP240801a: GSP follow-up observations of the candidate counterpart
- Fermi trigger No 744204856: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- EP240801a: Kinder follow-up observations of the candidate counterpart
- EP240708a: Kinder follow-up observations of the candidate counterpart (duplicate submission of GCN 37002)