GCN Circulars
GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
- Fermi GRB 240801A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 240801A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- GRB 240730C: AstroSat CZTI detection of a long burst
- GRB 240731A: Fermi GBM Final Localization
- Fermi trigger No 744128417: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Fermi trigger No 744083370: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 240731A: AstroSat CZTI detection
- GRB 240730A: Osservatorio Astronomico Nastro Verde upper limit
- GRB240730A: BOOTES-5/JGT early optical upper limit
- Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor trigger 744061103/240730818 is not a GRB
- Fermi GRB 240730B: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 240730B: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- Swift GRB 240730A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 240730A: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
- GRB 240715A: Swift-XRT afterglow detection
- GRB 240730A: KAIT Optical Upper Limit
- GRB 240727C: GRBAlpha detection
- GRB 240730A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
- GRB 240730A: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 240730A: Swift detection of a burst
- Fermi trigger No 743953682: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 240727A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
- Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor trigger 743953682/240729575 is not a GRB
- LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S240615dg: GRAWITA wide-field optical observations
- GRB 240727A: observations of optical counterpart.
- GRB 240727B: Swift-XRT observations
- Fermi GRB 240727A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 240727A: Swift/UVOT detection
- Fermi trigger No 743868421: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor trigger 743868421/240728588 is not a GRB
- GRB 240727A: Correction to time in GCN36960
- GRB 240727A: Osservatorio Astronomico Nastro Verde upper limit
- EP-WXT trigger 01709002661 is not a real source
- GRB 240727A: NOT optical observation
- GRB 240727A: JinShan optical upper limits
- GRB 240727A Bassano Bresciano Observatory upper limit
- GRB 240727D: Correction to the GRB name in GCN 36958
- GRB 240727A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- GRB 240727C: AstroSat CZTI detection of a long burst
- GRB 240727A: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
- GRB 240720B: GRBAlpha detection
- GRB 240718A: GRBAlpha detection
- GRB 240710B: GRBAlpha detection
- GRB 240627A: GRBAlpha detection
- Fermi GRB 240726A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 240727A: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 240727B: Fermi GBM Observation
- Swift GRB240727.16: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB240529A: VIRT optical transient detection
- GRB 240727B: Swift ToO observations
- GRB 240727B: Swift/BAT-GUANO arcminute localization of a long burst
- GRB 240726A: SVOM/GRM observation
- GRB 240727B: AstroSat CZTI detection
- GRB 240726B: AstroSat CZTI detection of a short burst
- GRB240727A: Skynet Optical Afterglow Observations
- GRB 240727A: TRT optical afterglow detection
- GRB 240727A: KAIT Optical Afterglow Candidate
- GRB 240727A: Swift detection of a burst
- GRB 240726A: AstroSat CZTI detection of a short burst
- IceCube-240725A: Upper limits from a search for additional neutrino events in IceCube
- GRB 240726A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- Fermi-LAT gamma-ray observations of IceCube-240725A
- IceCube Alert 240725.22: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- IceCube-240725A - IceCube observation of a high-energy neutrino candidate track-like event
- Swift Trigger 1244778 is not a GRB
- Swift GRB240725.11: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- IceCube-240721A: Two candidates from the Zwicky Transient Facility
- GRB 240720A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
- IceCube-240721A: Upper limits from a search for additional neutrino events in IceCube
- Fermi trigger No 743418632: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Fermi trigger No 743315411: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S240716b: Upper limits from Swift/BAT-GUANO
- LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S240703ad: Upper limits from Swift/BAT-GUANO
- Fermi trigger No 743345551: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Fermi-LAT gamma-ray observations of IceCube-240721A
- Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor trigger 743271526/240721680 is not a GRB
- Fermi trigger No 743219692: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- IceCube-240721A - IceCube observation of a high-energy neutrino candidate track-like event
- IceCube Alert 240721.68: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor trigger 743243582/240721356 (GRB 240721A) is not a GRB
- GRB 240720B: SVOM/GRM observation
- GRB 240721A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- GRB 240720B: AstroSat CZTI detection of a short burst
- Fermi GRB 240720A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 240720A: AstroSat CZTI detection
- GRB 240720A: Fermi GBM observation
- GRB 240720A: Swift detection of a burst
- Swift GRB240720.02: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Konus-Wind detection of GRB 240718A
- GRB 240713A: SVOM/GRM observation
- Fermi GRB 240718A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- LAT GRB240718.27: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 240718A: Fermi GBM Observation
- IceCube-Cascade 240714A: TRT optical observations on the EP/FXT positions
- GRB 240718A: Fermi-LAT Detection
- GRB 240718A: SVOM/GRM observation
- GRB 240718A: BALROG localization (Fermi Trigger 742976945 / GRB 240718270)
- GRB 240718A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- GRB 240712A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 240716A: GECAM-B detection of a long burst