GCN Circulars
GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
- SGR 1900+14: Swift-BAT detection of a bright outburst
- GRB 060218SN 2006aj: optical observations at Rozhen Observatory
- GRB 060323 : WIDGET simultaneous optical observations
- GRB 060323: Early optical observation at Xinglong
- GRB060218, optical observations
- GRB 060322: Confirmation of Swift XRT afterglow
- GRB 060211A: optical observation
- GRB060323: optical limit
- GRB060211B: optical observation
- SGR 1900+14: CORRECTION to GCN 4923
- SGR 1900+14: Refined Swift-BAT analysis of the renewed activity
- SGR 1900+14: Swift detection of renewed activity
- GRB060323: NOT optical observations
- GRB 060322: IAC80 optical observations
- GRB 060322: Swift XRT afterglow candidate
- GRB060323: P60 Observations
- GRB 060323: Swift/UVOT Observations
- GRB 060323: optical afterglow confirmed
- GRB060323: NOT observations
- GRB 060323: Optical Observations
- GRB 060323: Tautenburg OT candidate retraction
- GRB 060323: Refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
- GRB 060323: optical observations at TNG
- GRB 060323: Swift XRT refined analysis
- GRB 060323: BVRI observations at Tautenburg, aftreglow candidate
- GRB 060323: Swift/XRT position
- GRB 060322: Refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
- GRB060323, optical observation
- GRB060323 - SDSS Pre-Burst Observations
- GRB 060323: Swift detection of a burst with a possible optical afterglow
- GRB 060322: Swift-BAT detection of a 200-sec burst
- GRB060219: optical observation
- GRB060206: optical observation
- GRB060218/SN2006aj: optical observations
- GRB 060218/SN 2006aj, LNA optical observation
- GRB060218: Refined photometric calibration of comparison stars
- GRB 060319: WHT K-band candidate afterglow
- GRB 060319: IAC-80 optical observations
- GRB060319: Swift XRT refined analysis
- GRB060319: Swift/UVOT upper limits
- GRB 060319: Re-analysis of TNG data
- GRB060319: MASTER limit
- GRB 060319: Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 060319 optical observations at TNG
- GRB060319 : Liverpool Telescope optical limit
- GRB060319: MASTER optical observation
- GRB060319 - SDSS Pre-burst Observations
- GRB060319: Swift/XRT position
- GRB 060319: Swift detection of a burst
- GRB060313: Radio Observations
- GRB 060313: early afterglow NIR upper limits with REM
- IBAS Alert n. 3221: not a GRB
- Konus-Wind observation of GRB 060313
- GRB060313: SSO 40inch Observations
- GRB 060313: Further analysis of the Swift-BAT bright short hard burst
- GRB 060313: PROMPT Observations
- GRB 060313: Swift/UVOT Observations
- GRB060313:Gemini South Observations
- GRB 060313: Swift-XRT team refined analysis
- GRB060313: optical observations of the afterglow candidate
- GRB 060313: Refined analysis of the Swift-BAT bright short hard burst
- GRB 060313, SMARTS optical counterpart?
- GRB 060313: Possible optical counterpart
- GRB 060313: Swift XRT position
- GRB 060313, SMARTS optical/IR observations
- GRB060313: optical and near infrared observations with REM
- GRB 060313: Swift-BAT detection of a bright short hard burst
- GRB060218: SARA Observations of SN2006aj
- GRB060312: Swift UVOT observation
- GRB 060312: Refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
- GRB 060218/SN 2006aj, high resolution spectra
- GRB 060312: Swift XRT team refined analysis
- GRB060306: APO Ks-band Imaging Observations
- GRB 060312: ROTSE-III Optical Limits
- GRB 060312: Swift detection of a burst
- IBAS Alert n. 3218 : not a real GRB
- GRB 060306: SOAR Ks Observations
- Bright short hard GRB 060303: IPN localization and Konus spectrum
- GRB060219: Liverpool Telescope observations
- GRB 060306: MAGNUM observations
- GRB060218: analysis of the XMM-Newton observation
- Swift/UVOT observations of GRB060306
- GRB 060306: Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 060306: Swift-XRT team refined analysis
- GRB 060306: PROMPT Observations
- GRB 060306: Swift detection of a bright burst
- GRB 060218: RTT150 optical observations
- GRB060218: Ep,i - Eiso correlation
- GRB060218: R-band CCD photmetry
- GRB060223b: optical limit
- GRB060218/SN 2006aj: optical observation in V
- GRB060218/SN 2006aj: optical observation
- GRB 060121: HST observations
- GRB 060218 : GMRT observation [Correction and Improvement]
- GRB 060223b: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
- GRB 060218/SN 2006aj: K-380 optical observations
- GRB 060218/SN 2006aj, SMARTS optical/IR observations
- GRB200618: optical polarimetry and photometry
- GRB 060223B: Swift XRT possible afterglow
- GRB 060218/SN 2006aj: ABT observations