GCN Circulars
GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
- GRB041006: Fading X-ray Afterglow Observed with Chandra
- GRB 041015: Optical limit at Osaka University
- GRB041015 : Optical follow-up at Kiso
- GRB 041015 - A long GRB detected by INTEGRAL
- GRB 041006 R observations in Loiano
- GRB041006: VLT observations of the afterglow and host galaxy
- GRB041006: Optical observations and Potential host galaxy
- GRB041006, BVRcIc field calibration
- GRB 040924: VLT spectroscopy
- GRB 041006: SARA afterglow observations
- GRB041006, optical observation in CrAO
- Search for SN light in XRF 040912 with MEGACAM
- GRB 040916: Afterglow Color at Early Times
- GRB 041006 Optical afterglow observations
- IBAS GRB Alert # 2010
- GRB 041006: BR observations with VATT
- GRB 041006: Redshift confirmed
- GRB041006: Liverpool Telescope optical observations
- GRB 041006: Colour measurement
- GRB041006: break in the light curve
- GRB 041006: Radio Observations
- GRB041006, further submilllimetre observations
- GRB 041006 : optical follow-up observation at Lulin Observatory
- SUBJECT: GRB 041006 : Optical follow-up observation at TAROT
- GRB041006: Optical photometry and spectroscopy at TNG
- GRB 041006: presice astrometry
- GRB041006 (= H3570): Chandra Observations In Progress
- GRB 041006 : optical observation at Bisei
- GRB041006, optical I observation
- GRB041006 (=HETE3570): optical observations
- ROTSE-IIIa Observations of GRB 041006
- GRB041006, optical observation
- GRB041006, submillimetre observations
- GRB041006: MASTER optical observations
- GRB041006,optical observation
- GRB 041006: Optical decay
- GRB 041006 (=H3570): An X-Ray Rich GRB Localized in Real Time by HETE
- Konus-Wind observation of a series SGR 1806-20 bursts on 041005
- GRB041006: Fading of optical afterglow candidate
- GRB 041006 : Optical follow-up observation at KISO
- GRB 041006: Finding chart
- GRB 041006: Optical afterglow candidate
- Bursts from SGR 1806-20: Preliminary INTEGRAL results
- Very strong outburst from SGR 1806-20 detected with INTEGRAL
- XRF 020903: Observations of the Host Galaxy (authors)
- XRF 020903: Observations of the Host Galaxy
- SGR 1806-20 still active
- GRB 040924: Second Epoch WSRT Radio Observations
- radio observations, GRB 040924
- IBAS Alert 1991. Not a real GRB
- GRB040929,optical observation
- GRB040929: MASTER optical observations
- Konus-Wind and Helicon-Coronas-F observations of GRB040924
- GRB040924,optical observation
- GRB040924, RTT150 optical observation
- GRB040924,optical observation
- GRB 040924: detection of possible host galaxy by Subaru
- GRB040924, RTT150 optical observation
- GRB040924: KAIT observations
- GRB040924: Afterglow magnitude at t=17.5hr
- GRB 040924: WSRT Radio Observations
- GRB 040924: NIR finding chart
- GRB040924 : Optical candidate observations at Lulin observatory
- GRB040924 : Optical candidate observations at Lulin observatory
- GRB 040924: Subaru NIR observation
- GRB040924: Optical afterglow properties
- GRB 040924: RTT150 optical observations
- GRB 040924, optical follow-up
- GRB040924: MASTER: OT decay
- GRB040924: MASTER Optical observations
- IPN triangulation of GRB040924 (H3564)
- GRB 040924(=H3564): A Short, Bright GRB Localized in Real Time by HETE
- GRB040924 (H3564): Optical afterglow candidate
- XRF 040912: Radio Observations
- XRF 040916: Radio Observations
- GRB040912(=H3557): Chandra Candidate X-ray Afterglow
- XRF040916: continuing decay of OT
- TAROT Observations of GRB 040916 (HETE #3558)
- GRB040912(=H3557): Candidate Optical Afterglow
- XRF040916, optical observations
- XRF040916: Optical Transient Candidate by Subaru
- GRB040916 optical limits 17 min after GRB
- XRF 040912, identification of CXO sources
- XRF 040912 (=H3557): Spectral and Temporal Properties
- XRF040916, Ic observations
- XRF040916: optical follow-up observations
- XRF040912, BVRcIc field calibration
- XRF040916, BVRcIc field calibration
- GRB040916: Archival optical observations
- XRF 040916, optical follow-up
- GRB040912(=H3557): Observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory
- GRB040916: Optical observations
- ROTSE-IIIb Observations of GRB 040916 (HETE #3558)
- GRB040916 (= H3558): Improved Localization from HETE WXM
- GRB040916 (= H3558): A Long XRF Localized by HETE
- GRB040912 (= H3557): Chandra Observations Scheduled
- GRB 040912: Optical Observations
- GRB/XRF040912,optical observations
- GRB 040912, BVRI observations
- Optical observations of GRB/XRF 040912 = HETE 3557