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GCN Circulars

GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.

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To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
  1. GRB 030328, optical photometry
  2. GRB030329: R band light curve by MASTER
  3. GRB030329 - Light curve flattening
  4. GRB 030329: SARA Optical Observations
  5. GRB 030324, optical search
  6. GRB030329 - near contemporaneous optical limits from CONCAM
  7. GRB030329: R and B observations
  8. GRB 030329, optical observations
  9. GRB030329: Optical observations
  10. GRB030328: X-ray Fading and Spectrum Measured with Chandra
  11. GRB030329a: detection by Konus-Wind
  12. GRB030329b: detection by Konus-Wind and Helicon-CoronasF
  13. GRB 030329: Light curve observed during the change of its slope.
  14. GRB030329, BVRcIc field photometry
  15. GRB030329, SPM optical observations
  16. GRB 030329: Optical Decay
  17. Redshift of GRB 030329
  18. GRB030329: ROTSE network observes steepening of decay curve
  19. GRB 030329, optical photometry
  20. GRB 030329: Optical decay and synthesis
  21. GRB030329 optical observations
  22. GRB030329: optical spectroscopy with the TNG
  23. GRB 030329: Radio Observations
  24. GRB 030329, optical spectroscopy
  25. GRB 030329: still bright
  26. GRB 030329: Optical pre-Imaging
  27. GRB 030329: visual observations
  28. GRB 030329: Upper limit from 5.6 hours before trigger
  29. GRB030328: R optical observation
  30. GRB030328: X-ray Afterglow Observed with Chandra
  31. GRB 030323: Gemini South VRI obsevations.
  32. GRB030329: Optical observations
  33. GRB 030329, R-band observations, supplement
  34. GRB030329 optical observations
  35. GRB030329:optical observations by MASTER
  36. GRB 030329: optical observations
  37. GRB 030329, R-band observations
  38. GRB 030329: OT B and R photometry, decline rate
  39. GRB030329: Upper limits from recent and historical observations.
  40. GRB030329 (=H2652): A Long, Extremely Bright GRB Localized by the HETE WXM and SXC
  41. RXTE detection of GRB 030329 afterglow
  42. GRB 030329: Optical Afterglow Observations
  43. GRB 030329: precise position from Kyoto images
  44. GRB 030328 Optical Observations
  45. GRB030328: Decay index
  46. GRB 030328: Optical observations
  47. GRB 030328: optical observations
  48. GRB 030329: Optical afterglow fading
  49. GRB 030329 follow-up
  50. GRB 030329: Optical afterglow candidate
  51. GRB 030329: OT candidate
  52. GRB 030329: Optical afterglow candidate
  53. GRB 030328: OT photometry
  54. GRB030328: optical spectroscopy at TNG
  55. GRB030328: optical photometry at the TNG
  56. VLT spectra of GRB 030328
  57. GRB 030328, optical spectroscopy
  58. GRB 030328, optical observations
  59. GRB030328 (=H2650): A Long, Bright GRB Localized by the HETE WXM and SXC
  60. GRB 030328: Optical observations
  61. Re: GRB 030328: Finding chart
  62. GRB 030328: Finding chart
  63. GRB 030328: Optical afterglow candidate
  64. GRB030323 optical observations
  65. GRB030324 optical observation
  66. GRB030131, BVRcIc field photometry
  67. Possible GRB030323 localized by INTEGRAL
  68. IPN triangulation of GRB030325 (final analysis)
  69. GRB030323: Detection on 2003/03/24
  70. IPN triangulation of GRB030326 (single small error box)
  71. GRB 030323: SARA Optical Observations
  72. IPN triangulation of GRB030325 (single small error box)
  73. GRB030324, optical observations
  74. GRB030324, optical observations
  75. IPN triangulation of GRB030325 (two small error boxes)
  76. GRB 030324: TAROT optical observations
  77. GRB030323: V, R, I photometry
  78. GRB 030324 (HETE #2641): Optical observations
  79. GRB030324, Optical Observations
  80. GRB030323: Upper limits from recent and historical observations.
  81. GRB030323 (=H2640): A Faint, Long GRB Localized by the HETE WXM and SXC
  82. GRB030324 (=H2641): A Long GRB Localized in Real Time by the HETE WXM
  83. GRB030324 (=H2641): A Long GRB Localized in Real Time by the HETE WXM
  84. VLT/FORS2 spectra of GRB 030323
  85. GRB030323, ROTSE-III detection of possible optical counterpart
  86. GRB030323, optical observations
  87. GRB030324, BVRcIc field photometry
  88. GRB030323, possible optical counterpart
  89. GRB030323, BVRcIc field calibration
  90. GRB 030324 optical observations
  91. GRB 030320: Optical Observations
  92. GRB 030324, optical observations
  93. IPN triangulation of GRB030320B (annulus)
  94. IPN triangulation of GRB030320 (small error box)
  95. IPN triangulation of GRB030320
  96. Possible GRB 030320 localized by INTEGRAL
  97. GRB030226, addendum to GCN 1892
  98. IPN upper limit to a GRB associated with SN2003L
  99. IPN triangulation of GRB030317 (annulus)
  100. IPN triangulation of GRB030307 (annulus)


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