GCN Circulars
GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
- GRB 030328, optical photometry
- GRB030329: R band light curve by MASTER
- GRB030329 - Light curve flattening
- GRB 030329: SARA Optical Observations
- GRB 030324, optical search
- GRB030329 - near contemporaneous optical limits from CONCAM
- GRB030329: R and B observations
- GRB 030329, optical observations
- GRB030329: Optical observations
- GRB030328: X-ray Fading and Spectrum Measured with Chandra
- GRB030329a: detection by Konus-Wind
- GRB030329b: detection by Konus-Wind and Helicon-CoronasF
- GRB 030329: Light curve observed during the change of its slope.
- GRB030329, BVRcIc field photometry
- GRB030329, SPM optical observations
- GRB 030329: Optical Decay
- Redshift of GRB 030329
- GRB030329: ROTSE network observes steepening of decay curve
- GRB 030329, optical photometry
- GRB 030329: Optical decay and synthesis
- GRB030329 optical observations
- GRB030329: optical spectroscopy with the TNG
- GRB 030329: Radio Observations
- GRB 030329, optical spectroscopy
- GRB 030329: still bright
- GRB 030329: Optical pre-Imaging
- GRB 030329: visual observations
- GRB 030329: Upper limit from 5.6 hours before trigger
- GRB030328: R optical observation
- GRB030328: X-ray Afterglow Observed with Chandra
- GRB 030323: Gemini South VRI obsevations.
- GRB030329: Optical observations
- GRB 030329, R-band observations, supplement
- GRB030329 optical observations
- GRB030329:optical observations by MASTER
- GRB 030329: optical observations
- GRB 030329, R-band observations
- GRB 030329: OT B and R photometry, decline rate
- GRB030329: Upper limits from recent and historical observations.
- GRB030329 (=H2652): A Long, Extremely Bright GRB Localized by the HETE WXM and SXC
- RXTE detection of GRB 030329 afterglow
- GRB 030329: Optical Afterglow Observations
- GRB 030329: precise position from Kyoto images
- GRB 030328 Optical Observations
- GRB030328: Decay index
- GRB 030328: Optical observations
- GRB 030328: optical observations
- GRB 030329: Optical afterglow fading
- GRB 030329 follow-up
- GRB 030329: Optical afterglow candidate
- GRB 030329: OT candidate
- GRB 030329: Optical afterglow candidate
- GRB 030328: OT photometry
- GRB030328: optical spectroscopy at TNG
- GRB030328: optical photometry at the TNG
- VLT spectra of GRB 030328
- GRB 030328, optical spectroscopy
- GRB 030328, optical observations
- GRB030328 (=H2650): A Long, Bright GRB Localized by the HETE WXM and SXC
- GRB 030328: Optical observations
- Re: GRB 030328: Finding chart
- GRB 030328: Finding chart
- GRB 030328: Optical afterglow candidate
- GRB030323 optical observations
- GRB030324 optical observation
- GRB030131, BVRcIc field photometry
- Possible GRB030323 localized by INTEGRAL
- IPN triangulation of GRB030325 (final analysis)
- GRB030323: Detection on 2003/03/24
- IPN triangulation of GRB030326 (single small error box)
- GRB 030323: SARA Optical Observations
- IPN triangulation of GRB030325 (single small error box)
- GRB030324, optical observations
- GRB030324, optical observations
- IPN triangulation of GRB030325 (two small error boxes)
- GRB 030324: TAROT optical observations
- GRB030323: V, R, I photometry
- GRB 030324 (HETE #2641): Optical observations
- GRB030324, Optical Observations
- GRB030323: Upper limits from recent and historical observations.
- GRB030323 (=H2640): A Faint, Long GRB Localized by the HETE WXM and SXC
- GRB030324 (=H2641): A Long GRB Localized in Real Time by the HETE WXM
- GRB030324 (=H2641): A Long GRB Localized in Real Time by the HETE WXM
- VLT/FORS2 spectra of GRB 030323
- GRB030323, ROTSE-III detection of possible optical counterpart
- GRB030323, optical observations
- GRB030324, BVRcIc field photometry
- GRB030323, possible optical counterpart
- GRB030323, BVRcIc field calibration
- GRB 030324 optical observations
- GRB 030320: Optical Observations
- GRB 030324, optical observations
- IPN triangulation of GRB030320B (annulus)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030320 (small error box)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030320
- Possible GRB 030320 localized by INTEGRAL
- GRB030226, addendum to GCN 1892
- IPN upper limit to a GRB associated with SN2003L
- IPN triangulation of GRB030317 (annulus)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030307 (annulus)