GCN Circulars
GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
- GRB000226 [IPN Position]
- HST Observations of GRB 990712
- GRB 000214 near-IR observations
- GRB 000115 Optical observations
- GRB 000214, Radio Observations
- GRB 000214 ``Valentine's Day Burst'': BeppoSAX NFI Observation
- GRB000210, Radio Observations
- Correction to GCN 557 (GRB000214: BeppoSAX GRBM and WFC Detection)
- GRB 000115, BVRI field photometry
- GRB000214: BeppoSAX GRBM and WFC Detection
- IPN annulus for GRB000214
- BATSE GRB trigger criterion changed
- Optical observations of GRB000210
- GRB000210 X-ray afterglow
- GRB000214: X-ray afterglow candidate
- GRB000214 refined BeppoSAX-WFC position
- BeppoSAX GRB000214 ("S. Valentine's day GRB")
- GRB 000210: BATSE Observations
- Correction to Chandra Position of GRB000210 afterglow
- Optical observations of the Chandra X-ray source for GRB000210
- GRB000210, Radio Observations
- Optical candidate for GRB000210
- Chandra Observations of GRB000210 X-ray Afterglow
- IPN triangulation of GRB000210
- GRB000210: possible afterglow detection with BeppoSAX NFI
- GRB000201, Radio Observations
- GRB000210: BeppoSAX GRBM and WFC Detection
- Optical observations of GRB000131
- GRB000201 Optical Observations
- GRB 000201: TAROT optical observations
- GRB 000131 Optical Observations
- GRB000126 Optical Observations
- BATSE GRB trigger criteria changed
- GRB 991208, radio observations
- BATSE+IPN location of GRB000131
- IPN localization of GRB000131
- GRB 000126, optical observations
- GRB000126, optical observations
- BATSE location of GRB000126
- IPN localization of GRB000126
- GRB 000115 Optical observations
- BATSE Observations of GRB000115
- Correction to GCN 520 (IPN annulus for GRB000115)
- IPN annulus for GRB000115
- Second RXTE Observation of GRB 000115
- GRB991216, UBVRIJHK field photometry
- GRB991216 late optical observation
- Single IPN error box for GRB991229
- GCN resumes full operations
- GRB 991216 VLBA Observations
- BEPPOSAX GRBM Localization of GRB991226
- IPN error boxes for GRB991229
- GRB 991216: J band spectrophotometry
- GRB 991216: Detection of the Host and/or Absorber Galaxy
- IPN localization of GRB991226
- Single IPN error box for GRB991221
- IPN error boxes for GRB991221
- GRB 991216 RXTE ASM Observations
- IPN error box for GRB991216
- GRB 991216: Updated BATSE parameters
- Lowell/Perkins observation of GRB 991216
- GRB 991217 (SAX J2303.2+0015) Optical observations
- GRB991217/SAX J2303.2+0015, optical observations
- Chandra observation of the X-ray afterglow of GRB991216
- GRB 991216, optical observations
- GRB 991216 Optical Observations
- GRB 991216 Optical spectroscopy/imaging
- VLT spectra of GRB991216
- GRB991216 Optical and IR observations
- K observations of GRB991216
- SAX J2303.2+0015 Optical observations
- IR observations of GRB991216
- GRB991216 radio observations
- GRB 991217 (SAX J2303.2+0015) Optical observations
- GRB991216 radio observations
- GRB991216 Spectroscopy
- Lowell/Perkins observation of GRB 991216
- GRB991216, optical observations
- GRB991216 Optical and infrared observations of Beethoven Burst
- Refined IPN localization of GRB991216
- GRB 991216 Radio Observations
- GRB 991217
- GRB 991208 Keck Spectroscopy
- GRB 991208 Infrared Detection
- GRB991216
- GRB 991216--Summary of RXTE Observations
- GRB 991216 Optical Observations
- GRB 991216, optical observations
- GRB 991208 SAO-RAS Spectroscopy
- SAX J2303.2+0015: an x-ray/GRB?
- GRB 991216, Optical Transient
- GRB 991216, Optical Afterglow
- GRB991216 ('Beethoven Burst') B, R, and K Observations
- GRB 991216: Comparison with DPOSS images
- GRB991216, infrared observations
- GRB991216 Optical Observations
- GRB 991208 optical observations
- Lowell/Perkins observation of GRB 991216