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GCN Circulars

GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.

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675 results found.

  1. GRB 131002B: GROND upper limits
  2. GRB 130925A: Swift/UVOT Detection of the Host Galaxy
  3. GRB 130925A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
  4. GRB 130925A: VLT/UVES observations
  5. GRB 130925A: GROND afterglow candidate
  6. GRB 130912A: P60 Observations
  7. GRB 130912A: GROND observations
  8. GRB 130903A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
  9. GRB 130903A: GROND Afterglow Discovery
  10. GRB 130903A: GROND Upper Limits
  11. GRB 130831B: GROND upper limits
  12. GRB 130816B: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
  13. GRB 130816B: GROND afterglow candidate
  14. GRB 130816A: GROND confirmation of afterglow
  15. GRB 130812A: GROND upper limits
  16. GRB 130623A: GROND detection of the optical/NIR afterglow
  17. GRB130803A: GROND observations
  18. GRB130803A: GROND detection of possible host
  19. GRB 130727A: GROND observations
  20. GRB 130725B: GROND Detection of the Optical/NIR Afterglow
  21. GRB 130615A: Skynet/PROMPT Observations
  22. GRB 130615A: GROND afterglow candidate
  23. GRB 130609B: GROND observations
  24. GRB 130606A: GROND Detection of the Optical/NIR Afterglow
  25. GRB 130605A: GROND afterglow candidate
  26. GRB 130529A: GROND upper limits
  27. GRB 130515A: IRSF NIR Observation
  28. GRB 130515A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
  29. GRB 130514B: GROND observations
  30. GRB 130515A: GROND Observations
  31. GRB 130514A: Skynet/PROMPT/DSO Detections
  32. GRB 130514A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
  33. GRB 130513A: GROND observations
  34. GRB 130514A: GROND optical-NIR afterglow discovery and photo-z
  35. GRB 100728A: GROND host detection and X-shooter redshift
  36. GRB 130418A: RATIR Optical and NIR Observations
  37. GRB 130418A: GROND detection of the optical-NIR afterglow
  38. GRB 130408A: GROND detection of the afterglow
  39. GRB 130211A: Retraction of afterglow candidate
  40. GRB 130315A: GROND afterglow candidate
  41. GRB 130215A: GROND Detection of the Optical/NIR Afterglow
  42. GRB 130211A: GROND detection of the afterglow
  43. GRB 130206A: GROND Observations
  44. GRB 130131B: GROND Upper limits
  45. GRB 121229A: GROND detection of the afterglow
  46. GRB 121217A: Swift/UVOT Detection
  47. GRB 121217A: GROND Detection of the Afterglow
  48. GRB 121209A: Keck observations
  49. GRB 121209A: CARMA 3mm Observations
  50. GRB 121209A: GROND optical afterglow candidate
  51. GRB 121201A: GROND afterglow observations and photometric redshift
  52. GRB 121123A: GROND observations
  53. GRB 121117A: GROND confirmation of the UVOT afterglow candidate
  54. GRB 121027A: GROND Confirmation of Rebrightening
  55. GRB 121024A: GROND Detection of the Optical/NIR Afterglow
  56. GRB 121017A: GROND Observations
  57. GRB 121001A: GROND Afterglow Confirmation
  58. GRB 120927A: GROND upper limits
  59. GRB 120923A: GROND Upper limits
  60. GRB 120922A: GROND photometric redshift
  61. GRB 120922A: Swift/UVOT Detection
  62. GRB 120922A: GROND afterglow candidate
  63. GRB 120909A: GROND detection of the afterglow
  64. GRB 120821A: GROND upper limits
  65. GRB 120819A: GROND afterglow confirmation
  66. GRB 120815A: VLT/X-shooter redshift
  67. GRB 120815A: GROND afterglow candidate
  68. GRB 120714B: GROND/FORS2 detection of a supernova
  69. GRB 120804A: GROND upper limits
  70. GRB 120728A: GROND Afterglow discovery
  71. GRB 120728A: GROND observations
  72. GRB 120722A: GROND detection of the afterglow
  73. GRB 120716A: GROND confirmation of the optical/NIR afterglow
  74. GRB 120714A: GROND upper limits
  75. GRB 120714B: GROND confirmation of fading afterglow
  76. GRB 120712A: Swift/UVOT Detection
  77. GRB 120712A: GROND Detection of the Optical/NIR Afterglow Candidate and photo-z
  78. GRB 120711A: GROND photometric redshift
  79. GRB 120709A: optical afterglow limits
  80. GRB 120701A: Swift/UVOT Detection
  81. GRB 120701A: GROND detection of the afterglow
  82. Watcher follow-up observations of IGR J17062-6143 (Swift trigger 525148)
  83. GRB 120624B: GROND upper limits
  84. GRB 120521A: GROND Upper limits
  85. GRB 120521B: GROND Upper limits
  86. GRB 120514A: GROND upper limits
  87. GRB 120422A GROND observations
  88. GRB120404A: GROND observations show steeply decaying afterglow
  89. GRB 120401A: GROND Detection of an optical/NIR afterglow candidate
  90. GRB 120327A: X-shooter redshift
  91. GROND observations of GRB 120327A
  92. GRB 120324A: GROND observations
  93. GROND observations of GRB 120311A
  94. GRB 120302A: RTT150 optical observations
  95. GRB 120302A: Swift-BAT refined position and a possible XRT and UVOT counterpart
  96. GRB 120302A: GROND detection of an afterglow candidate
  97. GRB 120224A: GROND detection of the afterglow candidate
  98. GRB 120211A: GROND Upper limits
  99. GRB 120202A: GROND observations
  100. GRB 120119A: GROND Detection of the Optical/NIR Afterglow


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