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GCN Circulars

GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.

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675 results found.

  1. GRB 081118: GROND detection of afterglow
  2. GRB 081109: GROND redshift limit and host extinction
  3. GRB 081109: GROND Detection of the Optical/NIR Afterglow Candidate
  4. GRB 081104: GROND found no Optical/NIR Afterglow
  5. GRB 081105: GROND Upper Limits
  6. GRB 081104: GROND Detection of the Optical/NIR Afterglow Candidate?
  7. GRB 081028: GROND Confirmation of the Optical/NIR Afterglow
  8. GRB 081029: GROND Detection of the Optical/NIR Afterglow
  9. GRB 081028: GROND Detection of the Optical/NIR Afterglow Candidate
  10. GRB 081012: GROND upper limits
  11. GRB 080928: Watcher observations
  12. GRB 080928: VLT redshift
  14. GRB 080916C: GROND Confirmation of the Optical Afterglow
  15. GRB 080916C: GROND Confirmation of the Optical Afterglow
  16. GRB 080915A: GROND upper limits
  17. GRB 080916A: GROND lightcurve
  18. GRB 080916C: GROND Detection of the Optical Afterglow Candidate
  19. GRB 080913: VLT/FORS spectrum
  20. GRB 080913: GROND photo-z
  21. GRB 080913: GROND observation of a high-z optical/NIR afterglow candidate
  22. GRB 080906: GROND observations of the optical/NIR afterglow
  23. GRB 080723B: GROND upper limits
  24. GRB 080805: Faulkes Telescope South optical observations
  25. GRB 080804: GROND observations
  26. GRB 080805: VLT redshift
  27. GRB 080805: GROND detection of possible afterglow
  28. GRB 080727B: KAIT photometry and an early lightcurve break
  29. GRB 080727B: GROND redshift limit
  30. GRB 080714: GROND confirmation of the optical/NIR afterglow
  31. GRB 080707: GROND Confirmation of the Optical Afterglow
  32. UVOT observations of GRB080707
  33. GRB 080707: GROND Detection of the Optical Afterglow Candidate
  34. GRB 080703: GROND Upper Limits
  35. GRB 080702B: GROND Upper Limits
  36. GRB 080623: GROND upper limits
  37. GRB 080613A: Swift-XRT detection of the afterglow
  38. GRB 080613A: GROND Confirmation of the Afterglow Candidate
  39. GRB 080613B: GROND Upper Limits
  40. GRB 080605: TLS 3rd Epoch - Source Confusion
  41. GRB 080605: GROND 2nd epoch observations
  42. GRB 080605: GROND detection of the optical afterglow candidate
  43. GRB 80516: Swift/UVOT Observations
  44. GRB 080520: VLT redshift
  45. GRB 080520, GROND observations
  46. GRB 080516, GROND further analysis
  47. GRB 080516, GROND 2nd epoch observations
  48. GRB 080516, GROND observations
  49. GRB 080514B: slow fading behaviour ?
  50. GRB 080514B, GROND observations
  51. GRB080413B
  52. GRB 080413B: GROND detection of afterglow in all bands
  53. GRB 080411: Swift/UVOT refined analysis
  54. GRB 080411: GROND detection of optical afterglow candidate
  55. GRB 080408: GROND detection of optical/NIR afterglow candidate
  56. GRB 080330: GROND Observations
  57. GRB 080325: GROND Observations
  58. GRB 080319D: GROND Detection of the Optical Counterpart
  59. GRB 080319D: GROND Observations
  60. GRB 080218B: GROND upper limits
  61. GRB 080212: REM refined analysis
  62. GRB 080212: GROND detects afterglow
  63. GRB 080207: VLT NIR early upper limits
  64. GRB 080210: VLT redshift
  65. GRB 080210: GOND detection in all bands and redshift upper limit
  66. GRB 080207: GROND upper limits
  67. GRB 080129: GROND detection in all bands, and fading
  68. GRB 080129: GROND detection of the optical/NIR afterglow, and fading
  69. GRB 080120: GROND confirmation of the optical afterglow
  70. GRB 080120: GROND detection
  71. GRB 071031: GROND detection in all bands
  72. GRB 070802: GROND J band candidate
  73. GRB 070628: NIR detection of afterglow
  74. GROND upper limits of GRB 070521
  75. GRB 070509: objects inside XRT error circle


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