GCN Circulars
GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
- Swift GRB 210820A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210820B: Fermi GBM Final Localization
- GRB 210820A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
- Fermi trigger No 651110719: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Swift GRB210818.68: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Swift GRB 210818A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210818A: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
- GRB 210818A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 210726A: VLA radio afterglow detection
- Konus-Wind detection of GRB 210818A
- Swift Trigger 1069242 is Cyg X-1
- GRB 210818A: AstroSat CZTI detection
- GRB 210818A: AGILE detection
- GRB 210818A: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 210818A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
- IceCube-210811A: Upper limits from a search for additional neutrino events in IceCube
- IceCube-210730A: not observable by Fermi-GBM
- IceCube-210811A: Upper limits from Fermi-GBM Observations
- GRB 210815A: BALROG localization (Fermi Trigger 650687034 / GRB 210815100)
- GRB 210815A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- Fermi trigger No 650687034: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210812A is consistent with being a lensed GRB
- IceCube-210811A: No Candidate Counterparts from the Zwicky Transient Facility
- GRB 210712A: Fermi GBM observation
- GRB 210813A: BALROG localization (Fermi Trigger 650508868 / GRB 210813038)
- Fermi GRB 210813A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210813A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- Fermi-LAT Gamma-ray Observations of IceCube-210811A
- Retraction of Fermi GBM GCN 30630 and GCN 30632
- GRB 210807A: continued Assy, AbAO and Mondy observations
- Fermi GRB 210812A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210812B: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- GRB 210812A: BALROG localization (Fermi Trigger 650479626 / GRB 210812699)
- GRB 210812A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- GRB 080102A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- SGR 1935+2154: SPI INTEGRAL observations on 2021 August 5
- GRB 080101A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- GRB 210730A: Tautenburg observations
- GRB 210807A: Tautenburg observations
- IceCube-210811A - IceCube observation of a high-energy neutrino candidate track-like event
- IceCube Alert 210811.09: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210807C: Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 210807A: Detection by GRBAlpha
- GRB 210807A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
- GRB 210802A: Further Swift/XRT observation and afterglow confirmation
- GRB 210807C: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
- GRB 210807C: Fermi GBM detection
- GRB 210807C: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
- GRB 210807A: Swift/UVOT Detection
- GRB 210807A: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
- GRB 210807A: correction to the GCN Circ. #30614 Assy optical observations
- GRB 210807C: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 210610B: Assy optical observations
- Swift GRB210807.74: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Fermi GRB 210807C: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Swift GRB210807.96: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210807C: Swift detection of a burst
- GRB 210807C: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- Fermi GRB 210807B: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Swift GRB 210807A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Swift GRB210807.79: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Swift GRB210807.78: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- Fermi trigger No 650046564: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210807A: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 210807A: BOOTES-5/JGT optical afterglow detection
- GRB 210807B: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
- GRB 210807A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
- Konus-Wind detection of a burst from SGR 1935+2154 on 2021 August 5
- IPN Triangulation of a bright burst from SGR 1935+2154
- Fermi trigger No 649814537: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210802A: MITSuME Okayama optical upper limits
- GRB 210803A: Fermi GBM observation
- Fermi trigger No 649684549: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210802A: DDOTI Upper Limits
- GRB 210802A: BOOTES-2/TELMA optical upper limit
- GRB 210802A: Swift-XRT afterglow detection
- GRB 210802A: Fermi GBM detection
- GRB 210802A: Fermi-LAT detection
- GRB 210803A: BALROG localization (Fermi Trigger 649684549 / GRB 210803497)
- GRB 210802A: Tiled Swift observations
- Fermi trigger No 649627691: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210801A: Fermi GBM detection
- GRB 210731A: continued GROND observations
- GRB 210731A: VLT/X-shooter redshift
- GRB 210731A: KAIT Optical Detection
- IceCube-210730A: No counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS and IBIS prompt observation
- GRB 210731A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
- Fermi trigger No 649524889: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210731A: MASTER optical afterglow detection
- GRB 210801A: BALROG localization (Fermi Trigger 649519043 / GRB 210801581)
- GRB 210731A: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
- Fermi trigger No 649519043: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210731A: GROND observations
- GRB 210731A: Fermi GBM Observation
- GRB 210731A: Swift/UVOT Detection of an optical afterglow
- Swift GRB210731.62: Global MASTER-Net observations report
- GRB 210731A: MeerLICHT optical afterglow detection
- GRB210731A: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
- GRB 210731A: Swift detection of a burst
- Swift GRB210731.93: Global MASTER-Net observations report