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GCN Circulars

GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.

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57 results found.

  1. GRB 221009A: Determination of the black holes mass and spin
  2. GRB 221009A: Peak luminosity of the supernova vs. synchrotron afterglow
  3. GRB 221009A X-ray light-curve and the indication of TeV light-curve
  4. GRB 210411C: A very significant early X-ray afterglow
  5. GRB 190114C: East Asia VLBI Network observations
  6. GRB 190114C: photometric detection of a SN component
  7. GRB 190114C: JCMT SCUBA-2 sub-mm observations
  8. GRB 190114C: Optical follow-up from HCT
  9. GRB 190114C: CHILESCOPE optical observations
  10. GRB 190114C: RTT150 optical observations
  11. GRB 190114C: GMRT detection at 1.26GHz
  12. GRB 190114C: MeerKAT radio observation
  13. GRB 190114C: UKIRT JHK observation (CORRECTIONS)
  14. GRB 190114C: UKIRT JHK observation continuation - steady fading?
  15. GRB 190114C: Sardinia Radio Telescope observations (CORRECTION)
  16. GRB 190114C: REM optical/NIR detection (CORRECTION)
  17. GRB 190114C: Sardinia Radio Telescope observations
  18. GRB 190114C: RATIR Optical and NIR Detections
  19. GRB 190114C: RT-22 detection at 36.8 GHz
  20. GRB 190114C: COATLI Optical Detection
  21. GRB 190114C: ePESSTO NTT optical observations
  22. GRB 190114C: Continued UKIRT JHK observation
  23. GRB 190114C: continued CHILESCOPE optical obs
  24. GRB190114C: ATCA detection of the radio afterglow
  25. GRB 190114C: Optical detection from HCT
  26. GRB 190114C: CHILESCOPE optical observations
  27. GRB 190114C: UKIRT JHK observation
  28. Konus-Wind observation of GRB 190114C
  29. The Swift-XRT WT mode spectrum of GRB190114C
  30. GRB 190114C: KMTNet optical observation
  31. GRB 190114C: LSGT optical observation
  32. GRB 190114C: REM optical/NIR detection
  33. GRB 190114C: ALMA detection of a fading mm counterpart
  34. GRB 190114C: Mondy optical observations
  35. GRB 190114C: VLA Detection
  36. GRB 190114C: Swift/UVOT Detection
  37. GRB 190114C: Swift-BAT refined analysis
  38. GRB 190114C: Optical observations
  39. GRB 190114C:Insight-HXMT/HE detection
  40. GRB 190114C: A type 1 BdHN with TeV emission
  41. GRB 190114C: SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL extended emission detection
  42. GRB 190114C: AGILE/MCAL detection
  43. GRB 190114C: X-shooter observations of a highly extinguished afterglow
  44. GRB 190114C: Fermi-LAT detection
  45. GRB 190114C: refined redshift by the 10.4m GTC
  46. GRB 190114C: Fermi GBM detection
  47. GRB 190114C: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
  48. GRB 190114C: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
  49. GRB 190114C: GROND detection of the afterglow
  50. MAGIC detects the GRB 190114C in the TeV energy domain
  51. CORRECTED TARGET NAME: GRB 190114C: Planned XMM-Newton observation
  52. GRB 190114C: OASDG optical observations
  53. GRB 190114C: NOT optical counterpart and redshift
  54. GRB 190114C: MASTER 4-polarizations filters OT detection
  55. GRB 190114C: Possible host galaxy in Pan-STARRS
  56. GRB 190114C: MASTER afterglow Detection
  57. GRB 190114C: Swift detection of a very bright burst with a bright optical counterpart


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