GCN Circular 10107
GRB 091029: Skynet/PROMPT Continued Observations of Fading
2009-10-29T20:37:05Z (15 years ago)
Aaron LaCluyze at U.North Carolina <lacluyze@physics.unc.edu>
A. LaCluyze, D. Reichart, J. Haislip, K. Ivarsen, R. Egger, A. Foster, J.
Moore, A. Oza, M. Schubel, J. Styblova, A. Trotter, J. A. Crain, and M.
Nysewander report:
Skynet continued to observe the afterglow (Grupe et al., GCN 10097) of GRB
091029 (Grupe et al., GCN 10097) with three of the 16" PROMPT telescopes at
After peaking in brightness 5 - 6 minutes after the trigger (LaCluyze et
al., GCN 10099) the afterglow continued to fade as a power-law of index
approximately -0.5 (LaCluyze et al., GCN 10099) until at least 4.7 hours
after the trigger.
At 4.7 hours after the trigger, the afterglow's magnitude was I = 18.52 +/-
0.06 (statistical) +/- 0.41 (systematic; calibrated to 125 USNO B1 stars).
Skynet's most recent BRI light curve, calibrated to USNO B1 stars, can be
found here: