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GCN Circular 11221

GRB 100901A: Possible WSRT Radio Detection
2010-09-06T04:36:07Z (14 years ago)
Alexander van der Horst at NASA/MSFC <>
A.J. van der Horst (NASA/MSFC/ORAU), K. Wiersema (U of Leicester),
A.P. Kamble, R.A.M.J. Wijers, E. Rol (U of Amsterdam) and
C. Kouveliotou (NASA/MSFC) report on behalf of a large collaboration:

"We observed the position of the GRB 100901A afterglow at 4.9 GHz
with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope at September 3 20.35 UT
to September 4 08.50 UT, i.e. 2.29 - 2.79 days after the burst (GCN 11159).
We detect a radio source at the position of the X-ray and UV/optical
counterpart (GCN 11195) at the 4-sigma level, with a flux density of
134 +/- 33 microJy.

We would like to thank the WSRT staff for scheduling and obtaining
these observations."
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