GCN Circular 11518
GRB 101219A: Gemini-North host redshift
2011-01-04T16:34:27Z (14 years ago)
Ryan Chornock at Harvard <rchornock@cfa.harvard.edu>
R. Chornock and E. Berger (Harvard) report on behalf of a larger
We obtained 4x1800s of spectroscopy of the host galaxy candidate (Perley
et al., GCN 11464; Cenko et al., GCN 11468; Chornock et al., GCN 11469)
found in the XRT error circle of the short-hard GRB 101219A (Gelbord et
al., GCN 11461) using GMOS on Gemini-North starting on January 2.25 UT.
Observations were obtained with the R400 grating, covering 5890-10100
Angstroms in nod-and-shuffle mode. The galaxy spectrum exhibits
emission lines due to [O II] 3727 Angs and [O III] 5007 Angs at a
redshift of 0.718.