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GCN Circular 1181

GRB011130, optical observations
2001-12-06T08:25:24Z (23 years ago)
Peter Garnavich at U of Notre Dame <>
P. M. Garnavich (Notre Dame), S. Jha and R. P. Kirshner (CfA)

We have again imaged the suspected optical afterglow of GRB 011130
(Jha, Kirshner & Garnavich, GCN 1179) with the Magellan 6.5m Walter
Baade telescope and Direct Camera. Three R-band images with a total
exposure time of 780s were obtained on Dec 6.15 (UT).
Using point spread function photometry we find that the optical
source within the radio transient error circle (GCN 1173) has faded
by 0.16+/-0.05 mag over 22 hours. A Landolt standard star observed
at near the same airmass as the afterglow provides a magnitude
estimate of R=23.0+/-0.1. 

The PSF subtraction of the source leaves a faint residual that
was not apparent on the short exposure of the previous night. This
resolved emission may be the host galaxy. The combined R-band
image is available at .

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