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GCN Circular 11904

GRB 110407A: NOT optical observations
2011-04-08T01:20:18Z (14 years ago)
Daniele Malesani at Dark Cosmology Centre, Niels Bohr Inst <>
Daniele Malesani (DARK/NBI), Paul Vreeswijk (Univ. Iceland), Dong Xu 
(WIS), Johan Fynbo (DARK/NBI), Pall Jakobsson (Univ. Iceland), Ingvar 
Svardh (NOT), and Martin Nielsen (NOT), report on behalf of a larger 

We observed the field of GRB 110407A (Wolf et al., GCN 11895) with the 
Nordic Optical Telescope equipped with MOSCA. Observations were carried 
out in the R band, with a seeing of ~1.6", for a total observation time 
of 50 minutes. The mean time of the observation was Apr 7.943 UT (8.52 
hr after the GRB).

At the position of the optical and X-ray transient (Chuang et al., GCNs 
11899, 11901; Evans et al., GCN 11903), we detect a source close to the 
detection limit. Its magnitude is R = 23.2 +- 0.20 (Vega) based on 
calibration against the SDSS r band.
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