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GCN Circular 12101

Swift J185003.2-005627: 1.23m CAHA and BOOTES-3 observations
2011-06-29T23:48:36Z (14 years ago)
Javier Gorosabel at IAA-CSIC <>
J. Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC), V. Terron (IAA-CSIC), P. Ferrero (IAC & U. La Laguna, Tenerife), J.C. Tello(IAA-CSIC), A.J. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC), W. Allen (Vintage Lane Obs, New Zealand), M. Jelinek (IAA-CSIC), P. Kubanek (IAA-CSIC  & U. Valencia), M. Fernandez (IAA-CSIC), report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

"We imaged the field of Swift J185003.2-005627 (Beardmore et al.,  GCN 12083) with the 1.23m telescope of Calar Alto observatory (Almeria, Spain) and the 0.6m Yock-Allen BOOTES-3 telescope (Vintage Lane Observatory, New Zealand). The 1.23m observations are composed of 90x90s I-band images taken on June 25.03138 -- 25.15559 UT (i.e, starting 39.1 min after the trigger). The BOOTES-3 observations were carried out in the Y and Z-bands on June 25.33336-25.76840 UT.

In the 1.23m co-added image, we detect a I ~21 source at RA(J2000)=18:50:03.29, DEC(J2000)=-00:56:23.0 (+/-0.7") which is consistent with the object reported by Im et al. (GCN 12090). A preliminary analysis of the individual 1.23m images shows no obvious flaring activity at the position of the object above the limiting magnitude of each single exposure (I ~19, 3 sigma). A preliminary search for YZ-band flares in the BOOTES-3 images provided also negative results, however we note that the YZ-band analysis was heavily limited by the presence of the nearby R = 16.1 star located at RA(J2000)=18:50:04.015, DEC(J2000)=-00:56.23.44."
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