GCN Circular 1361
GRB 020409 SARA Observations
2002-04-11T23:14:30Z (23 years ago)
Dieter Hartmann at Clemson.U <hartmann@grb.phys.clemson.edu>
D. H. Hartmann, M. Leising (Clemson University)
S. Klose, A. Zeh (Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg)
P. Mack (ACE)
K. Rumstay (VSU)
report on behalf of the SARA consortium:
We imaged the error-circle of GRB020409 (Piro et al. GCN1347)
with the SARA 0.9m telescope (KPNO 02/04/11) in the I band.
Comparison with the DSS did not reveal a new source at limiting
magnitude of I ~ 20, consistent with our earlier reports (GCN1353)
based on observations with the Tautenburg Schmidt Telescope.