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GCN Circular 14313

GRB 130305A: PTF P48 optical upper limits
2013-03-15T19:28:32Z (12 years ago)
Leo Singer at CIT/PTF <>
L. P. Singer (Caltech), S. B. Cenko (UC Berkeley), and D. A. Brown
(Syracuse) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We have imaged the 3-sigma Swift XRT error circle (D. Malesani, GCN
14263) of GRB130305A (Fermi384176354, J. R. Cummings, GCN 14257) with
the Palomar 48 inch Oschin telescope (P48) as part of the Palomar
Transient Factory (PTF).  Images were obtained in the Mould R filter
at 2013-03-06 at 05:13:35 and 05:56:17 UTC, 17.6 and 18.3 hours after
the trigger.

We find no point source, fading or otherwise, to 5-sigma limiting
magnitudes of 20.8 and 20.8.
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