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GCN Circular 14464

GRB 130427A: Optical Observations
2013-04-27T15:40:25Z (12 years ago)
Myungshin Im at Seoul Nat U <>
M. Im (CEOU/SNU) on behalf of a larger collaboration

We observed GRB 130427A (Maselli et al., GCN 14448) 
in BVRI filters using T30 telescope (0.5m) of the iTelescope
network (AAO, Australia), and also are conducting 
follow-up imaging observations using facilities in Korea.

The T30 observation started at about 4 hours after the BAT alert,
and other observations starting at a similar epoch. We clearly 
identify the fading afterglow in T30 images, at the location 
reported earlier (Elenin et al. GCN 14450).

Preliminary BRI magnitudes of the afterglow in one of the epochs, 
calibrated against a USNO B-1 star in the vicinity of the afterglow,
are given below:

   T(mid, UT)         Mag
04-27 11:42:56     I=14.86 +- 0.12
04-27 11:45:29     R=15.60 +- 0.10
04-27 11:50:29     B=16.10 +- 0.15

Follow-up observations are still ongoing.
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