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GCN Circular 14497

GRB 130427A: Skynet/PROMPT Observations
2013-04-29T05:45:38Z (12 years ago)
Adam S. Trotter at UNC-Chapel Hill/PROMPT/Skynet <>
A. Trotter, D. Reichart, J. Haislip, A. LaCluyze, T. Berger, H. T. 
Cromartie, R. Egger, A. Foster, N. Frank, K. Ivarsen, M. Maples, J. 
Moore, M. Nysewander, E. Speckhard, and J. A. Crain report:

Skynet observed the Swift/XRT localization of GRB 130427A (Maselli et 
al., GCN 14448, Swift trigger #554620) with four 16" telescopes of the 
PROMPT array at CTIO, Chile, starting at 2013-04-27, 23:28 UT, and 
continuing until 04-28, 05:30 UT (t=15.69h-21.67h post-trigger). It took 
~124 160-s exposures, simultaneously in each of the BVRI bands. We 
performed photometry on each exposure, calibrated to two SDSS stars in 
the field. We detect a fading afterglow in BVRI at the position reported 
by Elenin et al. (GCN 14450), which is ~50" south of the initial XRT 

A preliminary light curve of the first night's data is at:

Further Skynet observations are ongoing.
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