GCN Circular 15783
GRB 140129A: 5 GHz VLA observations
2014-02-05T15:41:46Z (11 years ago)
Alessandra Corsi at GWU <corsi@email.gwu.edu>
A. Corsi (GWU) reports on behalf of a larger collaboration:
We observed the field of the Swift GRB 140129A (Melandri et al., GCN #15760)
using the the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) in C-band, and starting at
00:57:45 UT on 30 Jan 2014. A provisional reduction shows no radio emission
above the 3-sigma level of 30uJy (the map rms is ~10uJy at 5 GHz) within the Swift
XRT error-circle (Evans et al. GCN #15764). The flux density at the P60 optical
afterglow position (Perley & Cenko, GCN #15761) is -8 +/-10 uJy at 5 GHz.
We thank the VLA staff for executing these observations.