GCN Circular 1801
Information about where HETE will be pointing
2003-01-11T16:17:24Z (22 years ago)
Roland Vanderspek at MIT <roland@space.mit.edu>
R. Vanderspek, on behalf of the HETE Science Team, writes:
Generally, the HETE instruments' FOV is centered on the anti-solar
position. However, at certain times (e.g., near full moon, when
Sco X-1 is near the anti-solar point, during astrometric calibrations),
the pointing direction of the HETE instruments may be offset from
the anti-solar point by as much as 50 degrees.
In order to facilitate pre-burst, concurrent, and immediate post-burst
observations of GRBs localized by HETE, information about where HETE
will be pointing is now continuously updated and available on the HETE
website at this URL:
The file includes estimates of the RA and dec of the center of the
instruments' FOV for upcoming orbits and a few recent orbits. The file
also includes the time of instrument operations for the next 8 orbits.
This file can be retrieved with either of the following commands:
lynx -dump -reload http://space.mit.edu/HETE/Latest_RADec.txt
wget --cache=off -q -O - http://space.mit.edu/HETE/Latest_RADec.txt
A mapping of the science instruments' FOV onto the celestial sphere
based on the estimated current attitude of the HETE satellite can
be found at
Send questions or comments about this file to roland@space.mit.edu.