GCN Circular 18495
GRB 151027A: Early RAPTOR Observations
2015-10-27T18:16:09Z (9 years ago)
James Wren at LANL <jwren@lanl.gov>
J. Wren, W.T. Vestrand, P. Wozniak, and H. Davis,
of Los Alamos National Laboratory report:
The RAPTOR network of robotic optical telescopes made follow-up observations
of Swift trigger 661775 (Maselli et al., GCN 18478). Our narrow-field
instruments in Los Alamos, NM USA, began imaging at 03:58:48.01 UT (23.86 s
after the BAT trigger time). From the first frame we detected a bright optical
counterpart at the location reported by UVOT. Starting with a magnitude of R~13.7
the RAPTOR telescopes measured a complex, fading lightcurve with seveal
re-brightening intervals.