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GCN Circular 18782

LIGO/Virgo G211117: Liverpool Telescope followup of EM candidates
2015-12-31T10:19:09Z (9 years ago)
Iain Steele at Liverpool/JMU <>
I.A. Steele & C.M. Copperwheat (Liverpool JMU) report the following
observations of EM candidates associated with G211117. ��All
observations were obtained using the 2.0 metre Liverpool Telescope,
La Palma.

Master OTJ020906 (GCN 18729) was observed with the IO:O imaging camera
in the R band with exposure time 150 seconds on 2015-12-28 at 21:00UT. ��
The transient could not be distinguished by eye from the host galaxy to an��
approximate limiting magnitude of R~20 with respect to USNO objects in the image.

The reported transient in galacy UGC1410 (GCN 18742) was observed with��
the acquisition camera of the SPRAT spectrograph on 2015-12-29 at
19:48UT. ��No source was visible in the 10 second white light acquisition images��
at the reported coordinates - we note the report from iPTF that this��
is likely a solar system object (GCN 18762).

LSQ15BVW (GCN 18759) was observed with the SPRAT spectrograph on 2015-12-29 at
23:20UT. ��No source was apparent at the reported coordinates in the
10 second white light acqusition images to a limiting magnitude of R~19.5 with respect to
USNO objects in the image.

iPTF-15ffh (GCN 18762) was observed with the SPRAT spectrograph on
2015-12-30 at 19:04UT. ��A spectrum was obtained and classification is

iPTF-15ffi (GCN 18762) was observed with the SPRAT spectrograph on
2015-12-30 at 19:43UT. ��A spectrum was obtained and classification is��
underway. ��

iPTF-15fel (GCN 18762) was observed with the SPRAT spectrograph on
2015-12-30 at 20:20UT. ��A spectrum was obtained and classification is
underway. ��

iPTF-15fhq (GCN 18762) was observed with the SPRAT spectrograph on
2015-12-30 at 21:22UT. ��A spectrum was obtained and classification is

iPTF-15fev (GCN 18762) was ovserved with the SPRAT spectrograpg on
2015-12-30 at 21:55UT. ��A spectrum was obtained and classification is

iPTF-15fhl (GCN 18762) was observed with the SPRAT spectrograoph on
2015-12-31 at 02:48UT. ��A spectrum was obtained and classification is

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