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GCN Circular 1894

Possible break in the GRB 030226 light curve
2003-02-27T08:55:44Z (22 years ago)
Jochen Greiner at MPI <>
J. Greiner (MPE Garching),
C. Ries, H. Barwig (Uni. Munich),
J. Fynbo (Uni Aarhus),
S. Klose (TLS Tautenburg),
on behalf of the GRACE collaboration


We observed the afterglow of the HETE burst (H10893; Suzuki et al., GCN 1888) 
GRB 030226 (Fox et al., GCN 1879; Price et al., GCN 1880) in the R band
with the EMMI and SUSI instruments at the NTT (La Silla, ESO) and the MONICA
imager at the Wendelstein 0.8 m telescope (Germany). We calibrated against
the USNO-B R2 magnitudes of 5 surrounding stars which provides basically
the same calibration as that given for stars A and B by Garnavich et al. 
(GCN 1885; R=15.39 +/-0.05 and R=17.06 +/-0.05, respectively). A preliminary
reduction gives the following magnitudes:

                 Start time    exposure      OT         star A        star B
NTT/EMMI       Feb 26 08:27   3x300 s   18.80+-0.07   15.40+-0.05   17.05+-0.05
Wendelstein    Feb 26 19:04   2x600 s   19.87+-0.10   15.47+-0.08   17.05+-0.10
Wendelstein    Feb 27 03:12     600 s   20.60+-0.13   15.42+-0.08   17.04+-0.10
Wendelstein    Feb 27 03:23     600 s   20.74+-0.13   15.43+-0.08   17.05+-0.10
NTT/SUSI       Feb 27 05:25   3x180 s   21.00+-0.20   15.47+-0.10      ---

We confirm the decay slope of -0.88 as communicated by Price & Warren
(GCN 1890) until about 0.8 days after the GRB. Thereafter, the brightness
seems to drop significantly faster. A light curve plot will be available
at Further monitoring is strongly 

We are grateful for the assistence of the staff at La Silla and Wendelstein.
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