GCN Circular 20037
GRB161014A: optical afterglow candidate with the LCOGT-FTS
2016-10-14T13:20:55Z (8 years ago)
Cristiano Guidorzi at Ferrara U,Italy <guidorzi@fe.infn.it>
C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), S. Kobayashi, I.A. Steele (LJMU), C.G. Mundell
(U. Bath), A. Gomboc (U. Nova Gorica) on behalf of a large collaboration
The 2-m LCOGT Faulkes Telescope South began observing Swift GRB161014A
(Racusin et al., GCN 20035) in the SDSS r and i filters on October 14,
12:44:15 UT (~13 minutes since trigger). Within the BAT error circle we
find an uncatalogued object at the following position:
RA(J2000)= 22:10:35.47
Dec(J2000)= +07:28:07.3
with a 1 arcsec error radius and a magnitude of i~18 as calibrated
against nearby SDSS stars.