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GCN Circular 2093

GRB 030329, nearby galaxies
2003-04-04T23:20:33Z (22 years ago)
Peter Garnavich at U of Notre Dame <>
K. Krisciunas (OCIW/CTIO), T. Matheson, K.Z. Stanek (CfA),
    and P. Garnavich (Notre Dame)

We obtained spectra of four bright galaxies within 90 arcseconds
of the afterglow of GRB 030329 using the Magellan 6.5-m Clay
telescope and LDSS2 image/spectrograph. The data were taken
April 2 and 3 (UT). Emission lines of Halpha, [OIII] and [OII]
were detected in all four galaxies and their redshifts are:

 Galaxy      RA (2000) Dec       Sep. from GRB       z
   A     10:44:50.5 +21:32:05        47"           0.136   
   B     10:44:48.7 +21:31:39        28"           0.136    
   C     10:44:47.9 +21:31:04        33"           0.137    
   D     10:44:53.6 +21:30:11        84"           0.057    

The three observed galaxies closest to the burst appear to form a
small group at z=0.136 which is slightly foreground to the host
at z=0.168 (Greiner et al., GCN 2020; Caldwell et al. GCN 2053).

A finder chart for these galaxies can be found at:

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